Professor husband (Seoksoo)

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(A beautiful boy wakes up in the morning by sun hitting his face with birds chirping sound. He sat on his bed while rubbing his eyes, then started to think how his day will go today. And his mood got off as he thought about his cold as ice ass professor husband.)

Seok:Good morning world. Today is again a bad going to start. Ahh I also deserve a good time with him. That cold ass don't even think about me. Ok leave it seok. Let's go get ready.

(Here our sunshine was talking about his Professor husband aka Hong Joshua. Joshua and seok's marriage is actually arrange marriage. Shua didn't wanted to marry seok b e c a u s e seok is 9 years younger than him and seok is still a student. He is also joshua's student. Shua is 29 and seok 20. He was forced by his parents [jeongcheol 🌸] to marry him cuz seok is orphan and he has no one. Hanni abd seok's mom was friend so she died while giving birth to seok. She told him to take care of seok. So hanni thought when seok will grow up he will make him his son-in-law. And his dad was a careless dad. He woud always roam aimlessly outside would beat seok. He died from accident. Unfortunately jeongcheol was in L.A so they wasn't with seok. So seok grew up in Orphanage. When they camw kirea hanni took information about seok and he didn't wanted to waste any time as joshua is enough older same to seok. So he did some emotional blackmail to joshua so joshua couldn't resist this and married seok. They are married for 4 months. And joshua gives him a cold shoulder. They never talk much. If seok asks something joshua answers in affirmative or negative or only hum etc etc. Their marriage is secret in their university. He already told his parents that this will be secret, he doesn't want anyone to know about this. Seok felt so bad that shua doesn't want anyone to know about them. It's not like joshua doesn't like him Actually his nature is kinda cold but soft too for his parents . He is just confused about his feelings and thinks that there can be no relation between a student and in a professor. But here jeonghan is tired understanding him that seok is his wife now but no use. But here seok loves him from the first day they meet in their University. Ohh yeah seok reads in Pledis University and joshua is his English Professor. Their marriage is secret in their University.

Seok went to the washroom and freshened up. He did his morning routine and go downstairs to make breakkie for shua and him. It's not like that there is no maid. But seok loves to cook. That's why he makes the breakkie and dinner. Seok was making breakkie while he saw our gentle man came downstairs.)

Seok:Joshua I've made the breakfast. Just wait some minutes.
Shua: No need I'll eat outside.
Seok:It's not healthy to eat outside. Here sit I'll serve you.
Shua:I told ya
Seok: Ok (took out his phone and was dialing hanni's number)

On call:
Hanni: Hillu (hello) ommgg my son-in-law how are you. Did that brat did something. Tell me I'll beat his ass off.
(Shua's eyes widened. He snatched his phone from seok.)

Shua:Um yeah mama (glare at seok)
Hanni:Yeahh joshua how are you my boy? And it's minni's phone right. Why are you calling me with his phone?
Shua:Umm nothing hehe. I was finding my phone so umm..... (Seok Snatched the phone)
Seok:Yeah mama it's nothing I called you to talk with joshua. He wanted to talk with you. I wanted to say that he don't want to ea...
Shua:(snatched) okk mama sleep well. You should rest and eat well

(Cut call)

Shua :Why did you did that😤
Seok:Listen I'm getting late. Eat fast fast. I'll go now.
Shua:You won't eat?
Seok:I think it's not your business. Isn't it Mr.Hong?

(Seok left without having his breakkie. Actually he maximum times skips his breakkie because shua maximum of the time eats outside.)

Shua:Whatever I'm getting late too. (Took a bread and left with that🍞)

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