Traumatized to Love (Seoksoo)

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(A boy walked through his University's hallway as everyone screamed for him. As he was the uni's crush and bad boy, has friend group too. But one thing is he doesn't believes in love. He hate love from bottom of his heart. Well we:ll get to know why. He always plays with boy's and girl's heart and leave them. Well wanna know his name? Okay okay so here we are talking about Hong Joshua. He is also topper in school. Actually all-rounder we can say 👀.)

Jun : Duh I heard a new boy's coming in our uni.
Gyu: omg is that so? That will be great

(Shua smirk)

Shua: when?
Jun : today. Even in our class.
Shua: found a new toy to play. It's time so let's go...

In the class:
(Shua has a friend circle where they have 4 people. Coups, gyu, jun and shua. All are same all-rounder. But coups and gyu has feelings for 2 boy in there class. They are trying to convince them while jun and shua single. Well let's not say shua is single as he changes his boyfriend and girlfriend like t-shirt everyday. So jun is single.)

Mrs.Kim : Okay class, today we have new student here. Introduce yourself dear.
???: Hey everyone, It's me Lee Seokmin. You can call me dokyeom too. I'm feeling soo much good to study here. I hope we can be friends soon

(Shua looked at him. "Woah a ball of sunshine. It will great to break him apart. Be ready little one. It will look great to see tears in your eyes. " This is the thing which shua thought after seeing seok and smirked. Jun pinched him.)

Shua: ouch what?
Jun : bruh calling you. Where are you huh? Someone us lost I see.
Shua : stfu : Hong Joshua

(Joshua stood up.)
Joshua : yes (cold) : where is your mind?
Joshua : no where. : you are getting mannerless day by day.
Shua: I know now. If you don't have to say anything then I'm sitting. : Don't you dare. Seokmin go sit beside him

(Seokmin slowly nod and went to shua.)

Seok: Can I sit?
Shua: If I say no then won't you sit? Rubbish. Mrs.Kim told so sit na.

(Seok nod and sat beside shua.)

Jun: why angry duh?
Shua: I just feel disgusting around this bitches.
Jun : whatever you say he is so beautiful. I can have him.

(Shua made a fist.)

Shua: listen he is my prey.
Jun : even him?
(Shua nod and smirked)

Shua : hey. Me hong joshua
(Seok flinched at sudden noise)

Seok: um lee seokmin.
(Shua showed his hand and as he wanted to shake his hand with seok. Seok shake hand with him)

Shua: "oww so soft like cotton gosh. No no they all are same. They all made people love them and then cheat with them. Such a bitch. I'll wreak you beautiful no worry. " nice to meet you. Sorry for my behaviour actually I wasn't in my mood.

Seok: um it's ok maybe
Shua: why maybe? Please forgive me. Please. (Showed puppy eyes)

(Seok smiled and nod)

Seok: sure forgiveness granted.
Shua: wowww then we are friends.
Seok : um okay.

(Shua smirked)

Shua : ok thanks kyeoma...
Seok: kyeoma? (Blush)
Shua: yes I'll call you this.
Seok: um ok

(Like this they talked all the class.)

In lunch time :

Coups : Someone has found new toy I see.
Gyu: whatever you say he is hot isn't he?
Jun : truuee duh truue. I just want to touch him one time
Shua : listen he is my property now. After me you can do everything. But for now no eyes no him understand?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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