My Sunshine (Seoksoo)

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Hey, I read a heehoon ff and that was soo freaking good. So from being inspired by that oneshot I'm writing this. I just wanted to change this into seoksoo and see how it will turn. I didn't copy.I have changed a lot of things . The Topic is same. So yeah. If you don't want you can leave....

All sit properly and be ready with popcorn and tissue box 🤧.

Seok: shua? Will you come today? ..... Shua?!!
Shua : ahh yes kyeom. I can't love. I may come tomorrow.

(As seok know that his husband won't come today. Actually his husbnd aka joshua is too busy with his office work that seok can hardly spend time with him. He can't remember when they last cuddled. He told shua that he wanna spend some time with him. So shua said that he and seok will spend a movie night today. But yeah seok is again right. He prayed to himself but still. It's been a whole 7 month and shua hardly come home and spend time with him.)

Seok: but today is Saturday right?  Tomorrow is sunday. Tomorrow is weekend.
Shua: Sorry love. I'll make it up to you my sunshine
Seok :.........
Shua: love? 
Seok : yeah

(He answered quickly as he felt like he would cry. He was all alone in this house. It really hard to spend time alone. Shua was not like this but for his work he hardly spends time with him.for past few months he is doing this  as he is being given pressure. Seok does many things to distract himself but still shua and his sweet moments come into his his mind which he misses like hell. 

He has a friend kai (randomly said as KAI is a small name and I'm a lazy ass) . He calls him sometime to spend time with him. Also he invites minghao to come too. Both are his uni friend. He shares everything with minghao, with kai too but he is more free with hao.  He always calls kai when he was alone. No one here to spend time with him. And kai would agree. And like always today also Kai agreed and came after some minutes.

Kai came. Seok went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door someone hugged him soo tightly. Seok doesn't know but he felt different. He didn't hugged him back.)

Kai : heyy I missed you. I can't even remember when we last met.
Seok: ye just net 2 weeks ago kai.
Kai: yeah whatever I missed you. Let's go. (Pulled him to the living room.)

Kai: so how's you two's life going?
Seok: as usual ( small voice) 

(Kai realized)

Kai: yeah it's ok. Don't be sad. But yeah he should give you some time. You are his wife. ( made seok rest his head on his shoulder)


(Both seok and kai was watching movie. And kai was making him laugh. Kai was hugging seok's waist but soon door unlocking sound was heard. Both looked at the direction and saw a tired joshua whose tie was loose. He frowned at them)

Seok: ahhh shuaaa (ran to him and hugged him.) 
Shua: hey my sunshine. How are you doing love?
Seok: umm good. Early today?
Shua: yeah luckily today was less work so I told my boss and came.
Seok: ahh you did great (hugged his torso and buried his face on his chest)  

(Shua buried his face in seok's neck, taking his scent who was smelling like dark chocolate. Seok pulled from the hug and kissed him. Shua kissed him back. But little did they didn't know was someone wasn't liking this.)

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