9 - As Poisonous as Worry

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The time passed fast, with rumors from outside the crowded den passing from cat to cat. Some days have passed and Stonetail and Lucidpaw were allowed inside the den finally.

A black cat lay limp on a bed, besides the medicine cat. It was awake but with a heavy tansy spread on his leg. The cat gave a surprised look, pinning his ears. The medicine cat smiled, ''That is Lucidpaw,'' he explained ''She has just joined the Clan, it seems?'' he wondered, days have passed since she came into the frozen forest.

''What happened, Stem?'' Stonetail dashed right into the matter, accompanied by Lucidpaw.

''Looks like he's been bitten, snakes'' Stem sighed, ''Venomous, for his luck. Yet it is strange, snakes aren't around in cold climate like this.''

''So it was you, Featherpaw?'' The she asked, anxious as the apprentice. They shared a similar answer, Lucidpaw thought.

The apprentice raised his head at the call of his name ''I fell into a hole'' he responded.

Stem gently patted the apprentice with a hind paw, ''And what was that you saw?'' Lucidpaw believed she saw a cold shiver run through the medicine cat's spine. Stem's ears pinned, awaiting a response, ''So?''

Featherpaw shook his head, looking dizzy. He stared at Lucidpaw for a while, showing her how lacking of strength he was. ''Some cat lured me to it. They told me it was safe...'' he murmured, clearly showing embarrassment. ''Cream with dark brown paws.''

Stem laughed it off ''Yes, a cat unknown to the clan lured my apprentice there. you still did not know snake burrows, didn't you?'' he patted him again, embarrassed, but also fearful. Stem tilted aside and gave a peek to the underground exit. ''Oakstar fears it might be one of those Stonewardens, trying to build-up tensions with us over territory with not-so-ethical techniques,'' he explained. He shook his head in disapproval, ''We can't stand one more fight. Neither I.''

Stonetail was already clawing the floor numerous times before the prediction of the oddly named cat. Lucidpaw felt it too. What if the prophecy was just starting here? What if she didn't do anything, and sentenced the Clan to something worse? Her doubts made her breathing as troubled as Featherpaw's, and Stem noticed.

''StarClan, let me get you Juniper, if we have still...'' Stem trotted to the darkness of the herb stores, his white pelt gleaming against the dark surrounding. He lent the blue berries, known for their sharp smell, to the apprentice.

He caught a glimpse of Lucidpaw's uncertainty. He then lowered his head, ''It is better you two go back to your tasks. I'll take care of Featherpaw, he'll be fine.'' By the scrawny tom's appearance, the apprentice doubted he would get out of the den without a scratch.

The she began her way out of the den, heading nowhere with her head full on thought. She was never like this, but worry avoided her from any other situation to go through her mind.

She had to see Moonlit, and soon.


Lucidpaw trekked through the forest, no care whatsoever but to meet again with Moonlit. They had talked about another meeting again, before the quarter-moon had risen high in the clear sky, he remarked. She had to know if that luring cat was a Stonewarden. She did not want another deadly confrontation, whether the bulky bodies of Frostclan cats could handle more, hers couldn't.

I won't face it again, she whispered to herself, filled to the brim with worry. Her cold paws guided her slowly to the same place they met, not far from the entrance of the clan. The sun's light left a fire red trail on the clouds, while the color of the sky faded into blue.  

Night approached, yet the Stonewarden did not come. Lucidpaw wouldn't be missed until midnight, and with a piece of prey in her jaws. Her ears flicked in impatience, the arrival of the dark-furred cat unexpected. The bushes rustled, revealing a unrecognizable silhouette amidst the dusk.

''I knew we would meet again,'' he sighed, ''I've traveled three times already, you were not here anyways!''

Lucidpaw shrugged, ''I'm sorry'' she dully said, ''We need to talk, seriously.''

Moonlit narrowed his eyes, their green color in contrast with the shade of the trees. He rapidly took a glance aside, like thinking to themselves. ''You've been in trouble too?'' The tom blinked as the FrostClan apprentice nodded, ''That's odd, what it was?''

''Snakes!'' the Stonewarden was startled, regaining posture soon after. ''One cat was bitten, and did not know... the danger.'' She continued.

Moonlit was lost in his head for heartbeats, ones Lucidpaw found as long as seasons. He lowered his voice, approaching the she with caution in the ending day. ''We got the same problem here, one of our Berzerkers got bitten and the Healer is taking his time.'' Lucidpaw knew Moonlit was good intentioned, unlike his aggressive Stonewarden mates, but she sensed a bit of grief when he spoke. A feeling that it reminded her of ShadowClan...

Night fell down upon the two cats, their pelts glimmering with darker shades casted by the trees. The moon's light bathed the cats, whilst Lucidpaw could recall some training from her Clan, as much as Moonlit did.

Then she guided her words to the reason she was there, her throat tried stopping her from explaining. ''One cat lured Featherpaw into the burrow,'' she started, Moonlit eager in listening.

''He was badly intentioned, then,'' the tom guessed, and both had to agree. ''But who was that cat?''

''That is the point, we have no idea who may it be'' she quaked, ''and Oakstar thinks it might be Stonewardens''

Moonlit did not make an effort to show his annoyance. He growled beneath his breath, ''That leader, blames everything on us. Yes, we might, but we haven't done anything like that!''

Lucidpaw tried pushing away the provocative thought, ''It was a cream cat with dark brown paws,'' she stated, ''Plus a cat not knowing about snake burrows-'' Lucidpaw gulped, wondering the trouble she would have had in first place without knowing. Still, she had no idea how they looked like. She was used to bushy dens, leafy trees, not burrows.

The young cats stayed silent, and the she-cat sensed something was off. Moonlit widened his eyes, confusion mixed with fear.

''But, there aren't any cats like those in Stonewardens!''

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