chapter 1

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Hey, I'm yin.

I've been in this grave for as long as i can remember but be that as it may, this is my home. I call it grave because of what this house entails, if I was an ordinary girl in this orphanage I would've led a normal life and then I would've died: in the guise of an adoption.

Trust me when I say this, this world that we were born in is anything but safe and if I'm being honest this grave is probably the safest place there is, that is until our inevitable death.

The 4 years that I've known this secret I've figured out or, in this case noticed unusual behavior in the house.

Like, the tests that we're supposed to give somehow determine our shipment which means, the higher the grade the longer you stay in this house. But after the age of 13 not even the premium quality are spared.

Considering this thesis I've managed to thus far maintain the perfect scores alongside three knuckleheaded shits: Norman, Emma and worst of all, Ray.

In this home we aren't allowed fancy items, I was all too aware of the fact, which is exactly why I'd been trying to hide the pendant Chris gave me- it's the last thing I own of him.

But ray had it snatched away from me claiming that if mom finds out I'd be sentenced to punishment. I assume it's long gone by now. I hate him for it. But really, i can't hate him, not after knowing about everything he's been through.

Along with the pendant, Chris also left with me a letter, a letter that looks like normal blank paper at first glance but on exposure to sunlight reveals the writing.

Chris had written about Ray, that beneath all that sour exterior lay someone who cares about the people in this orphanage more than he lets on.

From that letter I find out just how much he's hurting, that he's as helpless as anyone of us if not more and yet he tries.

For that he has my utmost respect. Regardless, he's an insufferable bastard that can't stand being in the same room as me for five minutes.

"Yin!" Emma's loud voice chimes pulling you back from your thoughts, the two of you were tidying up the place for the kids. By the looks of it everything is prim and proper just the way mom likes it.

You offer her a small smile, "Sorry Emma. What's up?" you ask

"It's time for breakfast come on!" She replies as her hand wraps around yours, pulling you towards the dining room.

"Heya Norman!" she exclaims, this little happy go lucky shit is the reason you don't end up whirling into your thoughts- whenever she's around she gives little time for contemplation and more time wondering where on earth she gets all that energy from.

"Hi Emma" Norman chuckles, the guy has the patience of a saint through and through, most of it probably has to do with his hopeless crush on Emma. Cute.

"Hey yin" he offers you a smile.

"Hey, you" you smile back, Norman has always been the mediator of the group, the peace maker. But don't let his sweet exterior fool you. He's smarter than he gives himself credit for, and certainly twisted in his own way.

Norman's eyes dart towards the door, you feel his presence before you see him. Your damnation walks in, the devils spawn himself in all his fucked up glory- idiot Ray.

He appears deep in thought as he walks in not paying attention to the usual ruckus until Emma snaps him from his temporary daze.

He looks around the surroundings and his eyes meet yours. Freaking fantastic.

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