chapter 6

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"What was all that about?" Ray asks you that night.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You said without tearing your eyes from the book you were reading. Of course, you were only playing dumb to mess with him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking so just drop the act." His tone finally makes you look up and furrow your eyebrows. Why was he so cranky about?

"What's up with you? I managed to keep her occupied like we agreed. What's your problem?"

"That was careless." He frowns. "You have no idea what Krone is capable of. She could've seriously hurt you."

"What? You think I didn't know that? I knew full well what I was getting myself into, so don't you dare tell me I'm not capable of handling myself." Your voice increasing with every word.

"That's not what I meant-" He couldn't say it, couldn't admit to the fact that he was worried about you. He's always worried, but you don't have to know that. It's better that way, that way he'll be able to fulfill the promise he made to Chris.

"Protect her always.

-yours, Chris."

You're confused, again. You don't get his deal. One moment he acts like he almost cares and the next, he's back to being that jerk again. Like he's slowly building a wall around himself, as if, to hide that he's hurting.

You can't even believe there was a time when the two of you were joined by the hip, and Chris. Chris was always fond of you four, he was always the big brother you all needed. And he was kind to a fault, always looking out for others, always smiling, so warm and welcoming. Everything seemed perfect when he was around, until, the night he got shipped out.

The night everything changed.

Ray clears his throat, snapping you back from your thoughts, "How'd you figure out that Krone was behind mom's position?"

"It doesn't take a genius to figure that out with the way she always glares at mom when she thinks mom isn't looking. It was obvious." You scoff, standing up and dusting your pants as you walk over to put your book back in the shelf.

"Right. What's your plan next?" He questions staying rooted in his place.

"Next, I'll leave it up to Norman's big brains. I've laid down the bait and he's going to trap her to the point of no return."


"Playing tag in teams?" Emma questions.

"Yeah. The vast majority of us will die if we try to escape individually." Ray nonchalantly states making Emma protest.

"What he means is" You start. "It'll be much better if we stick together in small groups. That decreases the risk of casualties."

"I'm going to have you memorize 10 formations." Ray informs Emma.

"By ear!?" She exclaims.

"Problem?" Ray smirks, teasing her.

"Nope! Piece of cake."


"Norman, there's a traitor among us." You state in a calm voice.

"You think so too?" he asks just as quietly. The both of you were on cooking duty.

"It explains why mom doesn't seem to care less that we know the secret, whoever it is already sold us out the minute we found out."

"Yeah. Who do you think it is?"

"The same person you're suspecting."

"So, it's not only me, huh? I was disgusted at myself for suspecting him, but I guess it makes sense."

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