chapter 7

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"Emma." Norman starts. "I'd like your opinion on something." Emma nods urging him to continue, "What if...there was a child that intentionally became the demon's pawn in a condition that their life would be spared in return, would you leave that child behind? Or take them with you?"

"So, what you're saying is that they willingly chose to work for the demons, they'd be able to live on without getting shipped off? I'd take them with us!"

"...Even if that person doesn't wish for it?" Norman questions.

"Yup! I'd drag them if I had to! Because if we run away there's no guarantee the children left here will be spared. And besides...I still want to believe in them, even if they did side with the demons, I don't think any of our siblings are evil at heart! After all, we all grew up together! Even if they get in our way, betray us or tell me that I'm naïve. I still want to have faith in them!"

"...I see. Yeah, that's right! I knew you'd say that, Emma!" He grins.

That's the thing about her- She's an airhead, sure but she's unapologetically kind and determined to save everyone. That's why... Norman has to do everything in his power to help her achieve her goal, to ensure a smile on her face, so she's happy without any regrets.


Even if it means burning the world down in the process.


"What's it look like?" Ray asks.

"...It's not there." Norman confirms.

"Seriously...? I'm gonna go check the bathroom."

"I checked there already. The rope in the ceiling of the bathroom was still there."

"I guess it's settled then."

"We're gonna feed Don and Gilda with two separate locations for the extra rope." Norman informs Ray.

This whole fiasco was to check who the real traitor was. Norman devised this plan knowing full well the spy would snitch to mom immediately. The prime suspects were Don and Gilda, the other two older kids, if it happens to be one of them your work becomes far easier. But if it's not them, it's going to get messy.

"I'll tell Don that the ropes are hidden under my bed and Gilda will know that they're above the ceiling of the second-floor bathroom."

And now...

"The only ropes under my bed have disappeared." Norman muttered.

"So, the spy ended up being Don then."

"Not quite. The real spy, Ray."

"What're you saying Norman?" Ray chuckles.

"You should understand the situation already." Norman starts. "I didn't just stop at two ropes, in reality, I told Don they were in the dining room and told Gilda they were in the library. Just now I went around to recollect all the ropes, the only ones gone were the ones under my bed. What this means is, Don was merely framed. are the source."

Norman was disgusted at himself for suspecting his two best friends, he hated how everything made sense. How everything fell right into place. He even suspected you, but mom never found out that you've known the secret for 4 years. That only meant one thing, Ray has been keeping mom at bay all this while, while never revealing any information that could pose possible harm.

Rays body thumps down on the bed as he forces out a sinister laughter, "HAHAHAHAHA! Man...just when I thought things were going as planned. You're quite the softie Norman so I thought I'd get away with fooling you guys for a little bit longer, but it seems that you've found me a lot faster than anticipated. I can't believe I walked right into your little trap. You're right, I am mom's spy. Say...since when did you suspect me?"

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