chapter 9

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"So, in a nutshell here are three things on our to-do list right now-

One, escape get over the wall. Two, run away get away from the premises safely. Three, Survive Come up with ways to live on our own." Norman lists out.

"We've finally figured out the gist of what we'll be doing for step one." You say. "Next up is step two. We've got to figure out a way to avoid the enemies and safely get away. We've got to plan a good route for ourselves."

"First is the area surrounding the plantation, we need our route and a source of food. Are these grounds within a forest? Or are we located in the middle of a desert? That factor alone will change our course of action drastically." Ray states.

"Oh! I don't think we're surrounded by a desert!" Emma exclaims raising her hand. "Last I checked I'm certain I saw a forest in the distance!"

"You don't sound confident." Ray deadpans. "That's why you'll need this." He bonks a binocular on Emma's head.

"Hey! Ow!" Emma protests.

"A 'prize' I got a while back for working with mom." He says handing it to her.

"Crazy." You say in awe, taking the binoculars from her. "We can climb and check the other side with this."

"We need to return to the wall." Norman declares. "Anytime starting tomorrow, we'll go as soon as possible."

"Mhmm!" Emma hums in agreement. "Also, can I tell you guys something else after this? I wanna introduce you to someone!"


The library? Could she have found out about William Minerva?

"Wait here!" she says running off to get a book.

"Hey, could it be... that dude with the owl mark" Ray asks, he knows cuz you showed him it.

"William Minerva." You confirm.

"Yeah!!! I knew it, you guys noticed it already!" she exclaims opening the book and pointing at the logo. The morse code surrounding the owl.

"William Minerva..." Norman repeats.

"This probably our one and only ally." You inform pointing at his name. "If he's still alive, that is."

"That's right! He's the author of all these books here!" Emma points towards a stack of them.

"What do you mean?" Norman questions.

"See, using these books, he's installed a morse code around this owl. In simple words, to survive the outside world he might as well be our key and guide." you explain.


"Agh!" Don exclaims, dashing into mom with force. "Sorry mom! I'm in a hurry!"

"No way!! You seriously did it!?" Gilda shouts, looking at a smug looking Don. "In that split second!?"

"Hey! I have some talents too you know! If this key doesn't work, we'll give up. I won't feel satisfied enough otherwise. Let's break into mom's secret room.

"Gilda, you feel the same way, don't you?" he examines the bookshelf, unlocks the lock, finds the spot and presses on it to open.

"Wait Don! Are you really sure about this?" Gilda asks, worried.

"If you're not, then don't come. I can't keep my calm like those four! I want to do everything I possibly can to help save Conny!"


"Wait this logo-" Norman starts examining the owl sticker.

"It's called an ex Librus!" Emma exclaims.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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