chapter 5

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You were at the library, reading. To you, it's always been... a way to escape reality. Sometimes, the gravity of the situation crushes you so much that your heart starts to hurt. Almost as if someone is piercing at it with a dagger from inside out.

It suffocates you.

You can't breathe.

Your vision turns blurry.

Your hands get clammy.

It's a shit experience.

That's probably why you found solace in reading. It takes your mind off of things, even if just for a while. It gives you something to imagine, like a fairy tale, or a fantasy.

Two people meet, fall in love and live happily ever after.

It's simple.

And the thing is, whatever happens in the story, most of the time if not always the main character always survives. Maybe at the expense of others lives, maybe not.

It's a temporary relief.

When you're reading, your surroundings become secondary to you. It's almost as if you're in a trance until a certain time, around after 4 hours or so. That, or someone breaks you from it.

For some odd reason, Ray almost seems prone to it. When he's in your field of vision, he doesn't allow your attention on something else.

It's almost irritating.

The library has slowly become the place you rendezvous. Everyday starting two years ago, you both agreed to meet there every single night.

Even while reading, you feel his presence before you see him. You place your book down and gaze at him. He stands there lazily, a towel around his neck indicating he just got out of the shower. Ray always appears laid back, like he couldn't care less about anything.

He slides down the wall as he settles himself beside you. Over the years, you'd tried your best to maintain a safe distance from him. But as the days passed, the distance slowly dissipated.

You're all too comfortable around each other's skin now. Around others you tend to avoid one another, but when you're alone there's no point in pretending as if you're sworn enemies.

It's not like you haven't tried to keep him at arm's length, it's've tried and failed.

In each other's company, there's a certain calmness. You don't need to talk or have a conversation, without knowing, you end up settling into a comfortable silence.

"So then, a penny for your thoughts?" he offers.

"Huh?" your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"You've been reading, haven't you" he says pointing to his own head "You only read when that brain of yours thinks too much."

It sometimes baffles you when he says things like that. Like he knows every little detail about you, almost like he cares.

"So, spill it." he chides, noticing your lack of attention.

"Uh. It's about mom and the other adults" you explain "I've been it possible they were bought up the same way we are?"

Ray's caught off guard with that question. He knows you're smart, he always has. But with the way you figured that out was impressive. Nowadays you just kept surprising him and he can't tell if it annoys him.

"It's more than likely that's the case." He states, "If I were to guess, they're probably given an option to either die like everyone else or survive by becoming a mom. Or something like that"

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