chapter 3

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Today you don't wake up to Emma's enthusiasm. That's how you know you're up early.

You look around and find yourself still in the library; your body covered with a blanket.


You can't believe you fell asleep while you were still talking.

Your head throbs like it usually does, as you get up making sure you don't make any unnecessary noise to wake anyone up.

Standing by the window and you notice two figures running towards the forest.

Emma and Norman.

Right. They finally found out, didn't they? They've probably figured out about the trackers. And why the order of shipment is the way it is. What the monsters are after and who the real enemy is. They're trying to see where and how you can escape.

Most of it is going as planned and that leaves mom, the biggest threat as of now. The only enemy you need to worry about.

It's almost about time for her to wake up so they should be back.

Everything is normal. Emma acts the way she always does, if you didn't know her well enough you wouldn't suspect a thing.

But you've known her your entire life so you can tell by the way her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

Sometimes she becomes too quiet when she thinks no one is looking at her.

Still, it's enough to keep mom at bay for the time being.

You're all outside again, most of the kids running around and making fun.

You and Gilda are on laundry duty. Emma and Norman are out by the clearing and Ray sits beneath the tree with his book in hand.

You're almost wrapping things up and it's probably about time you start pretending you didn't know the truth.

You meet Ray's eyes and he signals you to come. You and him walk to find those dorks talking about you.

"Isn't it about time we let Yin and Ray know?" Emma asks, "Knowing them, I'm sure they wouldn't freak out."

"I was thinking the same thing. We need Yin's thorough planning and Ray's precise decisions, he's good at the mechanics stuff too. Their help is crucial..." he trails off, "But don't worry, I'll talk to them later, you should head back for now." He smiles at Emma beckoning her to go.

Ray and you slowly settle yourselves behind them without a hint of sound.

Ray sits down at the rock and pretends to be interested in the book he's been reading for the past four days. And you rest against the tree.

"Why?" Ray's voice starts startling the two of them, "You can talk to us right now." Their heads jerk towards you as they stare flabbergasted at your presence.

"Yo" you nonchalantly greet, saluting them with two fingers.

"What! Yin!? Ray!?" they splutter in unison.

"Hey guys. Sorry we followed you all the way here." you smile apologetically.

"Yeah. I've been itching so much with curiosity that I even took Yin's help and I'm fed up at this point."

You're aware it doesn't sound insulting but still, you're offended he had to justify that,

"So, we figured we'd just straight up come out and ask."

"So" you start as you walk up to them pulling them into a tight headlock, "What gives? What exactly happened at the gate?"

"You noticed, huh?" Norman asks Ray, sweat dropping.

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