chapter 2

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It's almost about time- for Conny to go and for those two to find out.

You stand beside Ray as mom wills Conny through the front door, locking it from outside so no one opens it even if by mistake.

"It's time" Ray says checking his pocket watch.

You nod as you wait for them to realize Conny hadn't taken her stuffed rabbit- Little Bunny with her.

"Conny!????" Emma shouts frantically, "Oh no! What do I do!? How can she leave Little Bunny here after that heartwarming speech."

"I mean.....she already left!" Gilda says her voice laced with worry as you and Ray walk in.

"It's too early to say that" you reason "Last I checked the lights were still on over at the gate. Plus mom hasn't returned yet. Surely Conny hasn't left yet."

"Let's bring it to her" Norman's voice chimes, "Although it'd be better to ask mom to send it to her later."

"You guys should hurry before it's too late, for Conny's sake." Ray adds.

"Alright! You guys won't come, Yin? Ray?" Emma asks.

"Nah" you answer "Duty calls. We'll make sure no one notices you're gone."

"I'll pass. You guys should hurry up before all of us get into trouble" Ray says."

"Even if we do get caught, we'll share the blame later" Norman chuckles as he opens the locked backdoor with a wire.

They rush out in hopes of giving Conny her beloved stuffed toy, a reminder of the orphanage and the family that'll always stay by her side. An unspoken promise, not knowing the horror that awaits them.

"It's finally happening." you mutter with a sigh.

"They were bound to find out. It was either now or the hard way." Ray speaks.

"What's after this?" you ask looking out the window at the starry sky.

"If everything goes according to plan" he starts,
"Mom shouldn't be a problem. The next hard part is pretending we had no idea about the truth. After that we need to tell the rest of the others. I'm not sure how many of them will actually believe us, especially those under the age of 7."

"Let's pretend we really did manage to escape, what idea do we have of the outside world. We might as well be walking headfirst to our death. They're dangerous monsters, Ray. They eat humans for a living and take pride in it. We may be top scorers in the house but we'll be eaten alive the minute we step outside." You finish, breathless.

"Well, it's a good thing we have you then." He scoffs, "C'mon Yin. I know you've figured something out. Plus with Emma and Norman on our side I know we'll survive this. We always have."

The amount of faith he has stuns you. A year ago you'd have been at each other's throat. But this situation has somehow forced you two to work alongside each other. You've come far.

Sometimes you find yourselves in conversations that make you forget about the things unsaid.

Sometimes it feels like you're a 7 year old again.

And sometimes you worry you'll get used to a side of him you're not supposed to know.

You don't know why he did it. And the urge to find out kills you inside every day. But when your lives are at stake there's no point hoping he didn't mean it.

Maybe one day, if you survive this you'll work up the courage to ask him. Until then, you're only tolerating him, at the very least you can try to convince yourself that you are.

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