chapter 4

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Mom's being sly. She's been keeping the 6 of you occupied with chores for 3 whole days. You might be smart but when it comes to mom none of you stand a chance. If she hadn't taught you, you wouldn't be who you are today. Planning an escape against her, to survive.

"I'm not sure how to put this" Norman starts, his hands on his chin as a bead of sweat trails down his forehead,

"Everything mom has done so far is...really vague."

"You mean it almost feel like she's not even trying to find us?" Ray finishes.

"Now that you mention it, it's almost as if she's stalling time." you reason.

That is weird. If mom considered you
a threat she would've done something about it by now. She's usually more...lethal and doesn't leave any chance for an opening.

Her behavior is not only concerning but scary. If she's so laid back, what chance on earth do you have of fooling her?

"Ray, Yin, Emma, Norman? Come on guys, mom asked us to gather in the living room!" little Phil announces, the four of you look at each other.

Something feels sketchy.

Fuck. Shit. You never considered this a possibility. It never crossed your mind because it's unheard of. You know now how wrong you were.

The reason mom kept you occupied for so long was so you wouldn't have time to think; meanwhile she waits until Krone arrives.

A new helper, an adult. Another enemy.

Mom smiles sweetly with a baby in hand, "Children" she announces, "This is carol, your new sibling."

"And the person beside me is Sister Krone. She's here to help me out with chores. Sister Krone?" mom signals her to introduce herself.

"Ah yes. Hello everyone, I will be living here with all of you starting today. I hope we get along well." Krone says, her voice lacing with over confidence.

"Yeah? No chance jackass." you mutter under your breath, Ray snorts beside you having heard it.

Everyone's already warmed up to Krone, most of them anyway. She's doing a good job fooling the kids.

Ray exasperatedly sighs, "Things aren't looking too great for us."

"Shit!" Norman punches the nearest tree, that's never a good sign. This is how you know we're royally screwed. "We've been tricked into preparing a welcoming ground for a second enemy, how did I not notice!?"

"Hey, even if you did it's not like we could've done anything."  you say trying to calm him down.

"That's not the point though!" he starts frustratingly, "Mom was intentionally sprinkling hints in front of our faces this whole time! She's been messing with us!"

Norman's got every right to be riled up. You've already lost a point against mom. She completely caught you off guard; she made you think she was the only enemy you needed to worry about. You were being naïve. She tricked all of you. She's made it clear that the ball is in her court, you might as well be playing in the palm of her hands.

At this rate, the only thing waiting for you in the near future is inevitable death.

"Norman. You need to understand that panicking might be exactly what mom wants us to do. The fact that she's leaving all kinds of hints is her way of saying, "I'm above all of you in strategic thinking. I know all of your plans, so, just give up." But as long as we get out of here alive, victory is ours" you reassure.

"Yin's right." Ray says, "We might as well be celebrating right now, after all, we've got two extra sources of information now."

You might be able to dig deeper into this if you manage lure Krone deep enough. What better way than good old manipulation?

For a while now you've had a hunch at where the tracking chips might be embedded in your body. It's the most unlikely location, where no one would've suspected a thing- our ear. The way mom caresses your face to check your pulse, her way for determining whether you're normal but sometimes, she caresses your ear as if out of affection but all this while she's been checking if your chip is still intact.

"That's right!" Emma realizes, "But we need to figure out where those two came from."

"Carol is definitely a replacement for Conny. Think of it as restocking the farm supplies." Norman explains.

"Assuming this place really is a 'farm'. That would mean there's a place that supplies 1 year old children." You say.

"Do you think all of us, mom and that lady came from that source?" Emma asks.

"It would be a good assumption for now. Perhaps there are other farms just like ours, all of them probably linked to that source." Ray says.

"A question has been bugging me." you start, "Were these adults...born into serving those demons? Or were they abducted by the demons from a normal human society?"

"Finding out where the adults are raised will be the first key to uncovering the secret." Norman says with a finger on his chin.

"So, to summarize our situation in three points-" Ray lists, "

The adults are our key to knowledge about the outside world.

Carol will be our key to uncovering the secret behind the trackers, and

Mom is being weird."

"Huh!? What!? Sorry! I don't get it!" Emma comically splutters.

"Wouldn't you agree?" Ray reasons,
"Although indirect, she keeps trying to intimidate us. And it's not just once or twice. She does it every time! Something's definitely up. If she knows all our plans, why doesn't she just hurry up and find out?"

"She should be able to, it's not like she can't it's almost as if she doesn't want to. She's either underestimating us or the situation is worse than we imagined" you say.

"What do you think the reason is?" Emma asks.

"I don't know yet." you reply honestly.

"Well that's pretty much all there is to not knowing how to predict mom's next move. Understanding her reasons is our top priority right now." Norman states.

"Yin, Emma" Ray starts, "Norman and I won't be able to approach Carol."

"Leave it to us!" Emma announces as you nod along.


9 of the children ranging from years 1 and 2 live with mom. And for some reason only two older females are allowed in here to help with taking care of them. And lucky for you, that happens to be you and Emma.

"Emma" You call alerting her, "I want you to thoroughly examine Carol. Think outside the box. Which organ in our body are we least likely to suspect?"

"Least likely to suspect, huh?" she mutters checking Carol.

It's not that you don't want to tell her. It's because you want her to figure it out on her own. Emma might remember other stuff she's overlooked before that might be of use.

"Yin! It's the ear!" she exclaims showing you the spot the needle had pierced. She figured it out.

"Good job, Emma!"


"The ears, huh?" Ray says examining his own ear, "It's true, I'd never have noticed if you didn't tell me" liar, "But you can definitely feel it in there once you know where it is."

"Who would've thought the scars would be small enough to fade that quickly." Norman thinks out loud.

"I'm sorry...I've noticed it before but it never struck me as odd until now."

Emma trails off apologetically.
"Hey, now we know the location, shape and size of these trackers, all thanks to you Emma!" you reassure, "Now next up..."

"How to get rid of them?" you all say while pointing in front in unison.

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