The Lord's Power 1#

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Izuku: Now we'll seperate us to the position where we assume the villains might be show up.

Touma: Back then villians show up everywhere but I think they maybe have 5 group.

Ikki: And also bunch of Nomu.

Ace: If that so I'll use my evolve eyes for scanning where villains show up.

Hotaro: This is clearly a race against time.

Ace: But those heroes did a great job for stop villains and now they still need to recovered it.

Ikki: That's why we'll take a role instead of heroes for stop them once and for all.

Touma: Like he said it, this is also part of our job.

Izuku: Izu if they ask where are we you tell them we had something to take care.

Izu: Roger that Izuku.

Touma: But I think they'll knew it soon.

Ace: Let's worried in the future.

Izuku: Let's go everyone.

Everyone nod and then they're walking inside teleportation and then warp to their destination.

Izu: Have a safe trip, everyone

Izu: Have a safe trip, everyone

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Time skip no jutsu

Class1A(except bakugotwin and Todorokitwin and UA(Staff) wake up and then they walk to dinning room for having breakfast but not for Camie, Uta, Yu and Kaina who's walking slowly like someone with a sore hip while Izumi used her telekinesis to support the four of them.

Mina: Hey you four why did you walk like this?

Midnight: *scoff* When you get old you start not being able to walk anymore?

Yu: *smirk* I don't want to hear someone who wear a lewd suit but still virgin.

Midnight: *mad* LIKE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGIN!!!

Yu: Yes I did!!!

Clasd1A and UA staff spit their food out of their mouth while Izumi's finding a hole to be inside it.


Yu: Oops


Mina: We want tea!!!

Kaina: *whisper* Damn you MT.Lady uou shouldn't talk like this.

Izumi: *thought* My life is fuck up now.

Back to Japan.

The citizens were evacuating because the villains had gone on a rampage along with a large number of Nomu, and the heroes were still recovering, unable to cope at all, and there were still mechs that were still scavenging objects and clutching at them. He was about to kill a child, but a man stopped the mechanical robot's attack and he turned to ask the child.

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