Kick Bitchzumi

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The last chapter Izuku show up to save his sister Izumi and also transform to Kamen Rider Zero-One for beat the shit out of Dark-Kiva and what he did it's major big news for this world because another man show up and had something powerful than quirk but right now he's in Nezu's office with his sister Izumi, Izuku(au), UA STAFF(au), class1A(au) which Zero-One still doesn't turn back to normal form.

Note: 1A know One For All because bitchzumi spread it out about she inherit her dad's quirk and Assmight didn't do anything.

Denki(au): Why didn't you turn back to normal form?

Izuku(au): Maybe he doesn't want you guys to be confused.

Zero-One: Like what he said.

Izumi: C'mon Onii-Chan why did you so late?

Zero-One: I had something to do and I'd been checked the path they went through and close it.

Nezu(au): So is it true that both of you're from another world.

Zero-One: Yes and I guess my sister surprised all of you right?

Aizawa: Yea she is. Her martial arts skills and abilities are very high. So high that it had been on the battlefield before.

Izumi quite and turn her face. Zero-One sense Izumi felt sad or something.

Zero-One: *laugh* That's my sister for ya!!!!

AM: BR........

Zero-One smash All Might face to the wall which it was break and then he squeeze it until some of his teeth was out if his mouth and he threw them away.

Izuku(au): *thought* Too fast!!! I don't even see his move.

Nezu(au): I want to ask you Izumi. What kind of that power inside you?

Izumi: You mean One For All?


Izumi: Oh suck of fish market.

Momo(au): In your world you didn't get along too?

Izumi: Why should I?? They forgot my brother and favor on me even I was quirkless.

Aizawa(au): WHAT!!??

Izumi: The only reason why they favor on me because they want me to give a birth a strong and powerful quirk child for them.

Izuku(au): Asshole

Izumi: They even tried to put me on quirk marriage with Katsuki, Shoto and Tenya but I put them to the place where they belong.

Izuku(au): I like Izumi this attitude.

Zero-One: Told ya.

Izumi: About your answer Nezu-san. Since you knew about history about One For All but there is one thing you didn't know. If previous user fully deem you're worthy for One For All you'll able to use previous user's original quirk like this.

As Izumi start to float herself up as All Might shocked for seeing this

Izumi: This is 8th's quirk: float right, Assmight?

Nezu(au): That's Nana quirk.

Izumi: And I'm the last user of One For All.

AM(au): What about All For One?

Zero-One: She put them behind bar by herself.

Momo(au): She's really incredible strong.

AM(au): *thought* She's useful than my useless daughter.

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