Face Hisashi

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In the morning has begin Izumi wake up and she saw her girlfriends still sleep while Izumi smile on them and she got out of bed and got dressed before walking down and meeting Izuku on the way.

Izuku: Yo sis did you enjoy yourself??

Izumi: *blushed* What are you talking about?

Izuku: You left for two day for having sex with your four girlfriends.

Izumi: *blushed* They too horny.......

Izuku: But you enjoy it, right? Anyway I'll be off for a day to have some serious talk with my group.

Izumi: Okay?

Izuku left Izumi and he goes to the meeting room and Izuku's friends were waiting for him

Touma: Your fucking biological dad and also your grandparent want to meet us.

Izuku: Let me guess they want us to lend our power to them.

Ikki: Hero comission being shit down huh?

Ace: Also power-hungry quirkist.

Hotaro: Everyone want our power for their army and show the world tgey gain the most powerful in their hand.

Izuku: This is a critical condition which we have to resolve it quickly.

They heard emergency as they look what's warning to them.

Izuku: It's like someone tried to interfere to timeline again.

Touma: Which one?

Izuku: World of magic......

Touma: Fuck........I'll go since Mirajane went back to her friends.

Ikki: I'm sure you can handle it but don't cause too much destruction.

Touma: Fuck you Ikki and love you too.

Ikki: Eww too gross.

Touma left

Ace: Maybe I should use my..........

Izuku: Stop bro they won't worth for make you use that power. That power deserve to people who has hard work and determined to achieve their dream not them.

Ace: Agree

Izuku: I'll do it since this is family-matter plus I'll send them back to their world they don't deserve it.

Hotaro: Agree it I couldn't handle them anymore.

Ace: Then I'll call 1B, bakugotwin, todorokitwin, Assmight and bitchinkop to be there not telling them we'll kick them out.

Izuku: Yea

Everyone agree it and they left for doing their thing.

Izumi: Izuku I know it was our father and grandpa want your power.

Izuku: Guess so.

Izumi: Then I'll go too!!!! They also want my power and quirk marriage with people he want so I need to go there to end our relationship with them.

Izuku only nodded himself and let Izumi went with him and they need to change their clothes until it's done.

Izuku only nodded himself and let Izumi went with him and they need to change their clothes until it's done

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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