Prologue - I Love You, Monkey 🐵

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In 2004, Nora Allen and her 9-year-old son, Barry Allen, were returning home after going to the market to buy several things, including  several vegetables and cereals and a stuffed monkey.

At home, Henry Allen, Barry's father and Nora's husband, was waiting for them. When they got home, Nora started cooking while Barry did his homework from school near her and his stuffed monkey.

-Barry- Hey Monkey.

-Monkey- ...

-Barry- How many calculations can you think of with an answer of 24?

-Monkey- ...

-Barry- Hell! How many calculations can I think of that give 24 as an answer?! I have tried everything but... but there is more, I'm going to fill out the entire sheet!!! -He said in his mind. - It's not fair!

-Nora- What is not fair, monkey?

-Barry- This question is stupid! How many calculations can you think of with an answer of 24? There are a bajillion answers

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-Barry- This question is stupid! How many calculations can you think of with an answer of 24? There are a bajillion answers. How I am supposed to fit them all?!

-Nora- You are right. There are a bajillion answers to this question. Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes you just have to let go...

-Barry- Hmmmm...

-Nora- Give your brain a rest and help me make the pasta, come on.

Mother and son go to the kitchen and Nora starts looking in the bakery only to realize that she forgot to buy the can of tomatoes.

-Nora- No, mierda. Henry!

-Henry- Si cariño mio?

-Nora- I need you to do me a favor

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-Nora- I need you to do me a favor.

-Henry- I don't do favors.

-Nora- Ok. Barry needs you to do him a favor.

-Henry- Oh, Barry! Yeah, anything.

-Nora- I need another can of tomatoes.

Henry however notices that there was already a can of tomatoes on the kitchen table.

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