Chapter 5 - Let's Get Nuts 🥜

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(05:00 AM)

The morning was shining in the sky. The sun was slowly rising as the darkness disappeared. On the roof of Wayne Manor, young Barry Allen was waking up from a long nap. It was one of the few times he hadn't slept in a bed, but why?

When he opened his eyes wider, the wigbig saw himself and his friend Kara, wrapped in their capes. The Kryptonian was slowly waking up as she yawned.

-Kara- Yawhhnnnn...

-Barry- O-Oh. G-Good m-morning, Kara.

-Kara- She opens her eyes to realize that she is next to Barry. - O-Oh. Did we sleep... together?

-Barry- Uhhh... I-I think so... W-Wait a minute?! - He stands up. -How did I fall asleep?!

-Kara- We were talking about your parents and friends until we were quiet for a while and when I turned around, you were sleeping, almost like you were dead.

-Barry- Ehhhh... You see. By having these Speed ​​Force powers, my metabolism became faster so I can fall asleep at any time.

-Kara- Uh? R-Really? And... - She starts to stand up. -Who was that Iris?

-Barry- Ohhh! Iris West is her first and last name. She is... a good friend!

-Kara- That's good. So now what do we do?

-Barry- Bart! Let's see if Bart has woken up yet.

-Kara- Right. Let's go!

The duo of eighteen-years old moved from the roof of Wayne Manor to the living room where they had left Bart. However, when they entered the room where they left him, he was no longer there.

-Barry- Great. Where did he go?

-Kara- He should have woken up and headed to... the Bat-Cave?

-Barry- Well though. We have to go there. Let's go!

Like last time, Barry and Kara found the valve and entered the Bat-Cave. As soon as they entered, they saw Bart sitting in front of the Bat-Computer without any shirt put on.

-Bart- O-Oh! I'm sorry you have to see me like this.

-Barry- Dude! You're back! Yeah! How are you feeling?

-Bart- Heh. Sloooooooow. Ha!

-Barry- Really? This may help.

Barry takes out the ring from the Flash suit that Bart had lent him so the older took it and put it on his finger to put on the suit in an atosecond.

Barry takes out the ring from the Flash suit that Bart had lent him so the older took it and put it on his finger to put on the suit in an atosecond

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-Bart- Uff. It feels good to be back... - He notices how Barry is wearing a new suit and the color change in Kara's suit. -And... What are we're wearing tonight?

I Completely Broke The Universe! || The Flash (2023) AU Book 1Where stories live. Discover now