Chapter 2.5 - I Completely Broke The Universe! 😬

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(5:00 AM)

-Barry 1- Shakes Barry 2. - Come on, wake up. We have to move!

-Barry 2- O-Oh Iris, s-stop...

-Barry 1- ...

-Barry 2-N-Not there, n-not there!

-Barry 1- What the fuck?! -He speaks in her mind while she looks at Barry 2 with a disgusted face. After that she shakes him harder. -Wake up!!!

-Barry 2- A-Ah!!!... B-Barry 1?! What do you want?...

-Barry 1- We have to move, let's go!

-Barry 2- M-Move in what?

-Barry 1- In teaching you how to use your powers. That way you won't cause chaos when you try to use them.

-Barry 2- B-But, my clothes will burn like yesterday when I used my powers.

-Barry 1- Exactly, that's why I'll lend you my suit.

-Barry 2- T-The one you used after y-you left the p-portal, right?

-Barry 1- Yes. Now stand up, put on some other clothes and let's get out of here.

-Barry 2- B-But what are we going to have for breakfast? I'm hungry.

-Barry 1- Ehhhhhh, I don't know... Maybe you should... you know what? I'm not saying you should become a thief but maybe you should steal some food using your super speed but yes, you must be in the suit. Let's go. Oh, and by the way, here. -Takes Barry's tooth 2 out of his pocket. - You dropped it when the lightning hit us.

-Barry 2- Oh my god! I thought I had lost it forever. Wait a moment.

Barry 2 opened one of the drawers in his room and took out a rubber band with which he sticks his tooth.

-Barry 2- Perfect. This will help.

The two Barrys leave the house and head to one of the several parks in Central City where Barry 1 will teach Barry 2 how to use the suit.

(6:00 AM)

-Barry 1- I don't know if you've noticed but have you seen this ring I have?

-Barry 2- Of course I noticed it. Is it your engagement ring with Iris West?! Jijijiji!

-Barry 1- What?! No idiot!!! My suit is kept in this ring!!!

-Barry 2- Y-Your suit is... small?

-Barry 1- No... w-well... it is at first but look, when you press the ring the suit will come out, the silk molecules will begin to absorb the atmospheric gases causing the suit to expand completely.

-Barry 2- Wow, that sounds... complex... And you're going to give it to me?!

-Barry 1- No no no! I'm just lending it to you so you don't kill yourself when using your powers! - Gives the ring to Barry 2.

-Barry 2- Wow, I can't wait to use this beauty.

-Barry 1- Press the ring button, the suit will come out and-...




I Completely Broke The Universe! || The Flash (2023) AU Part 1Where stories live. Discover now