Chapter 1 - You're about right, Batman 🦇

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It was early in the morning. Barry Allen was at his favorite burger restaurant, Big Belly.

The brown-eyed was going to order one of the large hamburgers to try to satisfy his insatiable hunger.

-Barry- Damn, I'm going to be late for work, but I don't want to starve to death either. -He said to himself in his mind.

-Worker- Morning. What can I get you?

-Barry- Where's curly-hair girl?

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-Barry- Where's curly-hair girl?

-Worker- Sara? She's out sick. Or at least that's what she says... She's got a new boyfriend. -Makes a face of envy. - What can I get you?

-Barry- A-Ah yeah, usually it's my usual and she usually has it ready because I'm always late.

-Worker- Well, then don't keep me in suspense.

-Barry- O-Ok... Give me the biggest hamburguer you got.

-Worker- 20 bucks.

Barry took 20 bucks out of his pocket and gave it to the worker before he heard something ringing, it was his phone...

Taking it out of his pocket he could see that the person calling him was none other than Alfred Pennyworth, head of security, mentor, surrogate father and close friend of Bruce Wayne... or Batman...

-Barry- Alfred, really can't talk right now.

-Alfred- Good morning, Mr. Allen.

-Barry- No, I'm late and I'm starving and curly-hair girl isn't here and her name is Sara and she got a new boyfriend!

-Alfred- We have a situation at . A robbery gone wrong.

-Barry- This is the middle of the morning! Why is our Bat-Fried even awake?! Call Superman!

-Alfred- Well, that was my first thought. Sadly he's otherwise engaged.

Barry looks at one of the burger joint's televisions and sees Superman in Guatemala making a breach with his heat vision to deflect lava from a volcano that was approaching a town.

-Alfred- Today marks 10 years since Superman revealed himself to the world, did you know, Mr. Allen?

-Barry- Really? Do not tell me! Heh... What about Wonder Woman?! I don't think she's busy too, right?!

-Alfred- My other first thought. Rather annoyingly she's not picking up.

Barry comes to his senses and decides to go to Gotham to fix whatever is happening there, he enters the bathroom of the hamburger restaurant where in an instant he changes into his Flash suit and, in order not to cause suspicion, he vibrates and comes out through the back of the burger joint instead of going out the door.

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