Chapter 3 - I'm Batman 🦇

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As Bart and Barry returned home, the latter thought about asking his older self about the Black Zero event since he told him in the morning that he was present there.

(7:00 PM)

-Bart- It's late but I don't think I can sleep peacefully knowing that that message from General Zod could be transmitted at any time, if it happens I would be extremely alarmed. - He thought uneasily in his mind. That fear of being trapped in an alternate universe in which something is going to happen that he can't avoid was consuming him.

-Barry- Hey man, c-could you... erm, I don't know if it would bother you but could you tell me how that terraforming happened in your universe? Since you were there and y-you know... Just to know what it was like to know how to act if it happens in this timeline...

Although Bart was initially uncomfortable with the question because it had been a somewhat traumatic experience, in the end he would open up to Barry and tell him what happened.

-Bart- You see, I don't like to talk about this but I'll tell you anyway, listen...


(POV: Barry (Or Bart, which is what he calls himself for now)

I was in what I called my "residence". It was an abandoned self-storage warehouse that I took over and it was located in Central City, near the Midway City train station. It had only been 3 days since I got these powers on December 10th of that year and I was already creating an improvised suit. I never thought I would use it as soon as I finished it.

-Barry- Let's put the finishing touches on it and... ready! At least this won't burn my clothes... Uh? - He looks at the TV. -W-What's that on the news?!

-Reporter- We are in Metropolis and a gigantic ship is floating above the city

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-Reporter- We are in Metropolis and a gigantic ship is floating above the city. This is the same ship that was reported yesterday at 8:00 PM. Another considerably smaller ship has also been reported in the Indian Ocean and-...

Suddenly, I saw how the ship began to shoot some kind of ray to the ground, I didn't know what was happening. In all my life I had never believed in the possibility of intelligent life living on another planet but here we were.


Then, the ship began to send out gigantic pulses, causing immense destruction in the surrounding area while I watched horrified from the TV.

The first explosion was powerful enough to break windows, lift cars and destroy vehicles in the air.

The first explosion was powerful enough to break windows, lift cars and destroy vehicles in the air

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