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It's no doubt that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community will become Project 2025's first target. 

LGBTQ+ kids, particularly trans and non-binary kids, were the first to become victims of Republican legislative attacks across the country since 2021. Restricting trans kids from school sports, banning trans kids from using bathrooms of their correct gender, legalizing the "Don't Say Gay" laws to ban schools from discussing LGBTQ+ related topics, banning books that are LGBTQ+ and/or BIPOC themed from displaying in libraries, forcing schools to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents, and criminalizing gender-affirming healthcare for trans youths, mostly in red states. 

To add more insult to injury, right-wing figures and media like Fox News are spreading vicious propaganda to paint LGBTQ+ people, drag queens, and even supporters as 'pedophiles' and 'groomers', leading to societal violence against the LGBTQ+ community in the United States.

If Project 2025 gets enacted, LGBTQ+ lives and civil rights will be deeply restricted, with less recourse to fight discrimination in all areas of public life. LGBTQ+ lives will be in danger, and they may go underground. LGBTQ+ visibility will decrease, and so will public awareness of their lives and experiences. Project 2025 reflects a profoundly dangerous attack on LGBTQ+ people, gender will be weaponized as an autocrat's tool to divide communities and polarize society. 

Project 2025's number 1 promise is to 'restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect the children'. This is actually not about 'protecting children', this is about erasing every American LGBTQ+ culture as we know it. It will give anti-equality lawmakers the right to remove all civil protections and rights of trans and queer people in all federal rules and regulations, as well as legalizing faith-based sex discrimination. They also want to label LGBTQ+ people as 'sex offenders' and a threat to 'normal' families.

They want to label any content that talks about LGBTQ+ topics, whether on books or on websites, no matter the explicit, as 'pornographic' and that it should be federally outlawed. This will of course have negative effects on LGBTQ+ Wattpad authors. Project 2025 will outlaw our rights to create GxG and BxB stories on not just Wattpad, but on every fictional website that exists. They're also going after videos on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, that display positive discussions of LGBTQ+ people and label them as 'pornographic' and 'contributing to harming a minor'.

(Also, the Project 2025 authors are calling out for a federal criminalization of actual porn videos, stories, artwork and websites, no matter if it's homosexual or heterosexual porn.)

They want to install a nationwide version of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law to ban people from supporting LGBTQ+ people and anything that's LGBTQ-related in all public places, especially in schools. They want to make it a nationwide felony for every American schools to support LGBTQ+ students and ban them from providing safe spaces like Gay Straight Alliance clubs, teach LGBTQ+ histories, display books that have LGBTQ+ characters, or even simply mentioning anything LGBTQ-related, otherwise they will be arrested and charged with 'sex crimes' towards minors. (Which in Florida in 2023, they have made it a crime worthy of the death penalty)

Yes, I've just mention the death penalty, which is the darkest part that I'm gonna bring up next.

The Project 2025 authors have written for the next conservative Administration; "It should also peruse the death penalty for applicable crimes- particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children-", where normally capital punishment is reserved for murder. 

While I have no sympathy for child sex predators, I know that from paying attention to the intention of Florida's 2023 death penalty law, they equate transgender people to child sex predators, and call for the prosecution of parents and physicians, saying that gender-affirming care for minors is 'child abuse'. 

This is opening up a path to legalizing mass genocide on a federal level, with a history of having more than half of its policies every Republican presidency implemented since Ronald Reagan.

They want an executive order to force teachers in every school in America to misgender and dead name trans and non-binary students, as well as forcibly out LGBTQ+ students to their parents if they are found out about their sexuality, pronouns, and/or gender identity, and to not identify them as what they wish to go by without written consent of a parent, no matter if the parent is accepting or not. But even though the school has written consent of a parent, the school will still have the right to dead name and misgender trans and non-binary students on purpose.

They want to federally ban same-sex relations, same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption. LGBTQ+ parents will be highly subjected to arrest, imprisonment, and be put on sex-offender registries for 'exposing children to pornography', simply by being openly LGBTQ and having children. They stated that "families conspired of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society." (pg. 451)

They plan to outlaw transgender and non-binary identity, equating it as 'pornography', criminalize therapists, doctors, and counselors who provide gender-affirming therapy to trans youths, and federally ban gender-affirming surgery and healthcare for trans people of all ages, all while calling for conversion therapy programs to be the only available treatment. They want to assert that sex is only binary, so that transgender and non-binary people will no longer be accepted in society. Changing names, pronouns, and ID cards to match one's gender will be prohibited by law. They even want to legalize workplace discrimination, ban anyone who's HIV positive and/or has gender dysphoria from the Armed Forces, and ban U.S. aid to any group providing services to LGBTQ+ people.

Lastly, they're calling out for the executive branch to use the Department of Justice to threaten prosecution of local and state officials if they refuse to charge LGBTQ+ people and anyone who supports them (even in Democrat-controlled states) with 'crimes' breaking laws that they plan to implement. This will no doubt cause massive amounts of suicide cases among millions of LGBTQ+ people if this plan becomes reality. 

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