Single parenthood/no-fault divorce

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Project 2025 isn't just a danger to LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, and women... if you're a mother who's single and has custody of your children, you're also in danger. 

The far-right Christian extremists want to make criminalizing a woman's right to get a divorce their top priority. This means that if Project 2025 is implemented, any mother who's divorced or single will be punished and have their children taken away from them... and what's worse, it doesn't even matter if a mother is suffering a toxic, abusive marriage

The authors of Project 2025 want to make sure that women have no choice but to stay with their violent husbands and deal with the abuse in order to keep their children within their custody, even if it means that there could be a possibility that one day they will be killed by the hands of their abusive husbands. This is a clear goal to take away women's ability to live life independently and support themselves and their children without having to resort themselves into oppressive relationships.

They want the U.S. government to replace policies that protect single mothers (and same-sex parents) with their extremist policies that "support the formation of stable, married, nuclear families". They've been calling out for homes with unrelated boyfriends to be considered "dangerous" for children and want to outlaw surrogacy. They plan to rewrite what the definition of 'family' means; and that's two heterosexual, biological married parents with children (regardless if the parents love each other or not), because, in their words, "every unborn child has a right to be raised by two people who conceive them."

They want to give the fathers who have willingly left their wives a child tax credit because they feel it will affirm the fathers' responsibility of their child's life and make them want to return to their children's mothers. Also, if a child is in foster care the father will be required by the courts to visit the child and take classes to learn how to be a good father. But if not, they will terminate the father's parental rights indefinitely. They don't want foster homes to give children away to single parents and LGBTQ+ parents. Only heterosexual married parents, especially if they're Christians. 

Not only that, the religious zealots want to promote reunification as a part of child support, which is extremely bad news for domestic abuse survivors, and they want to institute a "healthy marriage and relationship education program" in every state-leveled high schools in America. They believe that child support should "strengthen marriage as the norm, restore broken homes, and encourage unmarried couples to commit marriage".

Lastly, if you're a parent of a child who's LGBTQ, and if you support them for being who they are instead of shaming and ostracizing them, you will be labeled as a "child abuser" or "sex predator", and you will be facing criminal charges. They stated that every "threat to the stability of the family" (by that they mean unmarried and/or LGBTQ+ families) must be confronted.

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