Day 1 | What could possibly go wrong? (Literally everything)

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"Awwwwhhh~... Monika, are you sure we can't let MC help out? I don't wanna leave him out for a whole week... he's really enjoying being a part of the club! It's just so mean..."

A slightly offended Natsuki raises an eyebrow and folds her arms in response to Sayori's sentiments about MC, being the first to offer her input on it. "Uhm... hello? Me and Yuri aren't going to have anything to do next week either! You and Monika always handle this part of club business on your own. Why is it only now that you're concerned about one of us having nothing to do while the club's out? Seriously Sayori, I'm really starting to think—"

"U-Uhm...! I don't... r-really mind. It wasn't too much of a bother for me before. I-I'll have more time to read, again, and i-if I tire of that, I-I can always just continue sharing and writing poetry with MC (and Natsuki) of my own accord. R-Right? Th-That wouldn't be an issue, would it?" Yuri inquires shyly, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt as she looks MC's way and blushes, looking at the floor upon him meeting her gaze.

"You seem real eager to write with me, too, Yuri! Maybe your boobs'll go up a size for me this time!" Natsuki retorts in a bratty tone in response to Yuri's apparent lack of enthusiasm about going about their usual club activities with her for fun. It was evident that she mainly wanted to do them with MC. "Besides, it's supposed to be a break from the Literature Club! That means we should do something different." The tsun huddled up next to the club's only boy, tugging at his shirt. "We could finally knock out the 58th and 59th volumes of Parfait Girls! Then you'd finally be caught up."

MC, throughout this entire exchange thus far, had been a little conflicted on just what to say. There seemed to be a lot of tension building up—expectations for what he would next say were high! He should choose his words very carefully. "Monika? What do you think would be most productive?"

Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri each shared an internal sigh together as Monika stylishly twirled her pen and cracked a smile at being called on for her advice. "Well, if you ask me, I think you should find a new club for the time being! Think about it~! It's your last year as a high school student, and you're fully committed to the Literature Club, so why not give another one a shot while the opportunity presents itself?" A proud giggle left the club president as she swayed her hips in her usual playful fashion.

MC scratched his cheek. The idea wasn't bad. And Monika made a good point. This really was a rare opportunity. It'd be wasted if he just sat at home playing video games or watching anime, or something. He was too worried about what infighting could be derived from choosing to spend time with one girl instead of the others over the course of next week to dedicate his free time to any of the girls. MC nodded in agreement with Monika's statement. "That... actually sounds like a good idea. I'll see what interests me when we come back to school next week."

Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri all appeared equally disappointed by MC's decision, but came to terms with it pretty quickly, deciding they'd make up for the lost time some other way. "By the way... why is it that the club needs to go on hiatus, again? I feel like most of your speech focused on the hiatus itself rather than the reason for it."  MC stated quite bluntly. Monika didn't seem to take offense, though.

"Well, every so often, the teachers in charge of moderating the clubs will take the time to evaluate what each club brings to the school, and they do it on a week-by-week basis. Ours is usually first in that lineup, and most of the week sees me and Sayori swamped with tons of paperwork and forms to fill out. It's hard to run the club when we've got all that to worry about, ahaha~."

Just a DDLC crack fic for me and my friends to enjoyWhere stories live. Discover now