Chapter 21 - Work, Family &n Softball

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Drew's POV The Next Week

I walked into work with Az and saw Kenny screwing down a plaque onto the counter. " The plaque was a great idea. Always Topher's command post, looking out... " I say, pointing to the counter. "You know, I figured it was a good way to keep his memory going," Kenny says, and I nod. "Yeah, new people or patients ask, "What's this Topher's corner?" and we can say "Let me tell you a little something about Topher"," "It's been a week, and I still sometimes forget he's gone. It's like I think I see him, but I don't," I say. "Yeah, I don't think that goes away for a while," Kenny says. " No, it doesn't," I say, shaking my head, as Shannon walks up to the counter and puts her coffee cup on the counter. "Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey, hey. Come on, that'll leave a stain there. Watch where you're putting that. Not on Topher's corner, Are you kidding me?" " Relax, I wasn't putting it on there. I wouldn't do that to Topher. Back off Kenny," Shannon says. "Well, I wouldn't put it past you. You are a slob. You should see her crusty dishes in the sink, man. It's ridiculous," Kenny says. "Me?" "Yeah, you," "Would a courtesy flu-" Shannon starts, and I interject. "No, no, no. We're not doing this, okay? Leave your roommate wars at home, both of you. What would Topher say if he saw you fighting like this?" I say. "You gonna finish those chips?" Shannon says, and I laugh. "Yeah, that and, I-I have kids at home. I don't need this garbage here. Get back to work," Kenny says. "Exactly, and I have three kids who bicker, and yes that includes Evil Knievel number three here, I don't need to hear you two as well. So, get back to work ," I say, as I go to the locker room to change. "How does he argue, he doesn't even speak?" Kenny asks, following me. "Simple, angry baby babble, and he does get his way. He controls the TV, ever since we started watching 'Forged in Fire', no one's allowed to turn the TV to anything else but that, most of the time, occasionally he'll let us watch some stuff, but most of the time we can only watch the TV shows we want when he goes to bed," I say. "I guess he rules over your TVs" "He does, at almost 7 months,"


I was leaning against the desk. "Hey," Jordan says. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asks. "How am I? Haha, ask me after this weekend is over," I say. "What's going on this weekend?" "My sister and my niece are coming into town, because my niece plays softball, and my In-laws are also coming into town," I say. "Fun," "Yeah, not fun," "I send you and Rick my good luck," "Haha, thanks," I say.

After work

I got home, and extra people were in my house. "Hi Mom, Dad, Katie, and Skyler," "Hi Drew," "Hi Uncle Drew," I set my stuff down and walked towards Rick and I's bedroom. As I walked in, I saw Rick's tactical pants in a pile on the bed. "What's this, clean out your side of the closet day?" I ask. "No, the department decided that they were going to change the color of pants we wear now, so I get to buy new pants in battle brown," Rick says. "Fun," "It's not, the black shirts go better with either black or gray pants not brown," "You're just being picky," "I know, but what's the point of not being seen, when you're wearing brown pants," "Are we taking two cars since you're on call?" "Yeah,"

A few hours later

We were at Skyler's first softball game of the tournament. "How long has Sky been playing softball?" Rick asks. "A year and a half," Katie replies. "Nice,"

Rick's POV

"Sergeant Lincoln," I hear, as we are watching the softball game. I turn and see the new police commissioner Logan Oakes. "Commissioner Oakes, nice to see you," "You too, Sergeant Lincoln," I stand, and shake the commissioner's hand. "It's actually Lincoln-Alister," "My apologies. Is this your family?" "yeah, my sister-in-law Katie, my parents, my husband Drew, and my youngest of three, Azrah, my niece is on the field currently," I say pointing. "Nice to meet you all,"

After the game

We were all at a restaurant for lunch. "Are you going to stay for the other games?" Skyler asks. "I don't know, Sky Uncle Rick has to go get new pants for work and we have some other things we have to do as well," Drew says, as I get a Swat alert on my phone. "My squad just got called in, I gotta go, love you," I say, kissing Drew, and then running out of the restaurant. I got in the truck and then drove to the station, and changed into my swat gear that was in my locker. I walked to the command center and got the details while I waited for the rest of my team. "You haven't gotten brown pants yet?" Commander Lightwood asks. "Nope, haven't made it to the store yet, I was going to go today, but then I got the swat alert on my phone," I say. "Well, hopefully, you can get back to what you were doing after," "It's fine, my parents, sister-in-law, and niece are staying at my house currently," "Fun," "Yeah, my almost 7-month-old, is probably going to end up sleeping in my bed, in between myself and my husband," "Even more fun," "No. Anyways, I'm just happy I'm not on desk duty anymore," I say.

A few hours later

We had got done with a raid, chasing suspects through a canyon, and then got called to something involving me crawling into an empty grave. We got back to the station and changed out since it was now nighttime.

I got home and grabbed a beer out of the fridge, walked into Drew and I's bedroom and saw him sitting on the bed with Azrah asleep next to him. "Hey," "Hi." "What happened to you?" Drew says, noticing the dirt on my face. "I uh.. I had to crawl into an empty grave, it's a long story," I say, setting my beer down, and taking my boots, and shirt off. "I see," "I'm going to shower," I say walking towards the bathroom. "You didn't get me a beer?'' I hear Drew ask, as I turn the shower on. "Get one yourself, and Ice cream," "You horrible person, making me try to get off the bed without waking the sleeping child," 

Stronger Together: A Story of Love, Strength, and Family - A Drew and Rick StoryWhere stories live. Discover now