Chapter 23

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Drew's POV Court Hearing a Few Weeks Later

"What's this for again?" I ask, as Rick and I walk into the courthouse. "The drug bust with the barrels we had to dig up out of the ground," he says, as we take off our off-duty weapons, and go through the metal detectors. "Right,"

3 hours later

The hearing was over, and we were both headed to work, I was in the jeep, and Rick was in the truck. "Bye, love you, be safe," "Always am, love you too," I then went to Kenny's to pick up Az.

20 minutes later

I got to work and walked in with Az. "What's with the suit?" Krista asks. "Court hearing for a drug bust," I say. "Ah," "Yeah,"

"How's my almost one-year-old godson?" TC asks, walking around the corner. "He's good. Az say hi," "Hi," he says, with a cheesy grin on his face. "How are you, Drew?" "I'm good," "Don't let that cheeky grin on that one-year-old fool you, he was wreaking havoc at my house, all the toys he had, were everywhere," Kenny says. "Azrah Cade, I think the terrible 1's have hit my house,"

Rick's POV

"Lincoln," I heard from behind me as I walked down the hall of the station. "Sup Rocker?" "My team isn't working this week, but I'm covering on your team for Luca while he's in Europe for TLI," "Cool, thanks for the help," "No problem,"

30 minutes pass

We were walking out to the cars since we got a lead on a case. "Alright, since Luca's parading around Europe-" "Weak," "Boo him," "Of all people," I hear behind me and I laugh. "Rocker has graciously offered to fill in so we aren't a man down this week,"

An hour later

Where does this guy think he's trying to run to," Rocker says, as we're chasing after a suspect. "I don't know, but Tan, go down another street and cut him off," I say. "On it,"

After we caught the guy. "Haven't I seen you before?" Rocker asks. "Not that I know of," "How old are you?" "Eighteen,"

We got back to the station and put our guy in holding to be booked.

Mini Drew POV of the phone call with Rick

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that Rick was calling. "What's up, love?" "Nothing, I just ran what felt like five miles chasing someone who ran," he says. "You're insane," "Hey, we caught the guy after he was tased twice," "What did he do, still run after the first taser?" "He had a warrant out for his arrest, and yeah he did," "How does your leg feel?" I ask. "Terrible, but I'll live. Thankfully I decided to wear the heavy-duty prosthetic that I can run with," Rick replies. "Got your chair with you?" I ask. "Yeah, though currently, I'm not sitting in it because I'm standing at a computer,'' "Okay," "Anyways, what are you up to?" "Creating the flier for Jack's remission party," I say. "Where are we planning it?" "The Oak Hills Tavern, the same place that Lynn Zia's sweet sixteen was," "Oh," Rick says, as I hear his name being called in the background of the call. "I gotta go, love you," "Love you too,"

Rick's POV

I saw Javi walk around the corner. "Do my eyes deceive me, or do my eyes deceive me? In whose right mind was it to let them give you a badge?" "Graduated a couple weeks ago," Javi says. "Wow, patrol officer?" "Yeah, I just started my field training. But someday I'll be on SWAT," "Not a chance in hell. I will make SWAT school so hard for you, you'll wash out within the first week," I say. "Nah, Ima finish through," "We'll see. I can't wait to tell Drew that your a cop," "No," "Yup,"

"Rick, can I speak with you for a moment?" Dan asks, walking up to Javi and I. "Yeah. See you Javi," "You too, Rick,"

"What's up, commander?" "There's been a complaint filed against you," "What?When?" "A guy came in and said that two days ago, you pulled him over, while you were off duty, breathalyzer, and drug tested him without his consent," "What time?" I ask. "1:30, 2 o'clock in the afternoon," Dan says. "That time, I was with Drew, Az, and Bri, we were at the waterpark, it was Armed Forces, and Public Services Day, and Riley was at college," I say. "Okay, well ask Drew if he can come in and give a statement," "Sure," Dan walked away, and I went back to what I was doing.

Drew's POV Same Time

I heard Rick's ringtone come through my phone, so I answered. "Twice in one night, that's a new record," "Ha ha, very funny," "What happened?" "There was a complaint made against me. Which I know isn't true, because whenever I'm not at work, I'm usually with you most of the time," Rick says. "What's it about?" "Some guy claims that I pulled him over while I was off duty because he was driving erratically. I apparently breathalyzed him, and drug-tested him, without his consent. Which I know isn't true because on that day during the time he said it happened, I was with you, Az and Bri at the waterpark," he says. "Am I going to have to come down there?" "Yeah, Dan wants a statement from you stating that where I was is true. Also, Javi's a patrol cop," "When did he go through the academy?" "He said he graduated a couple of weeks ago," "Really?" "Yeah," "Drew," I heard Jordan say, and I held up a finger indicating to give me a second.

"I gotta go, I'll get down there as fast as I can," "Okay. Love you," "Love you too," I got off the phone with Rick, and went to Jordan. "What's up?" I say. "There is a mass casualty incident on the way in. It's going to be all hands on deck, extra rooms are being set up in the ambulance bay, I need you to get as much supplies as you can," Jordan says. "You got it,"

Hours after the mass casualty

I was holding Az, as I caught Jordan. "Jordan, I need to go down to the police station, I have to give a statement," I say. "Statement for what?" "Rick. There was a complaint made against him, and he was with me at the time of when the incident happened, so I have to go give a statement saying that where Rick was is true," "Go. I got you covered," "Thank you,"

15 minutes later

I got to the station after changing. I grabbed my badge, clipped my duty weapon on my belt, and then grabbed Az out of his carseat, and walked into the station.

"What, No scrubs?" Rick says, walking up to us. "There's 2 hours left till I get off work, so why bother being in scrubs, I'm not going back to the hospital," I say. "I know, I'm teasing. Anyways hi," Rick says, kissing me. "Hi back," I say. "Give me the child, go see Lightwood," "Okay," I say, giving Az to Rick.

I knocked on the commander's door, "Come in," "Sir," "Hey Drew," "I came to give my statement about Rick's complaint," "Ah, yeah sit,"

After shift At home

Rick was making a smoothie in the blender, and I was trying to read the flier we (I) had made for Jack's party. "Join us in celebration, as we celebrate Jack Cromwell's remission from cancer-" I say as Rick turns the blender on higher. "AT THE OAK HILLS TAVERN, on July 14th. Will you stop turning it on higher as I'm trying to read this, please?" I say. "Why?" "You're trying to ignore me. Look, I know you're annoyed because of the complaint, but I want to finish this, so I can send it to Ashley for her approval," "Okay. Also can you come to work with me tomorrow, you might be needed? And are we still going to the gym?" " Yeah I can, let me text Jord and ask her, and yes we are If you'd finish making the smoothie you're making,"

An hour later at the gym

Kenny and I were rolling on the floor, "If you don't take at least decent care of yourself, you ain't gonna make it very long. Then you gotta retire. You can't hang out with me no more," Kenny says. "I can't think of what I'm gonna do next when you talk like that," I say, straining trying to get out of Kenny's grip. "Am I right, or am I wrong?" "No, you're right, though I'm not going to stop being a soldier or a doctor anytime soon. Okay. you can let go now," I say, Kenny lets go, and I fall onto the mats on my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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Stronger Together: A Story of Love, Strength, and Family - A Drew and Rick StoryWhere stories live. Discover now