[17] Sheltered Exorcisms

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My expression was sad...?

There were so many ways you could interpret what he meant that you ended up just being confused. Caleb continued walking as if he didn't just give you a line of dialogue to lose sleep over. Honestly, a part of you wished he would openly express some feelings of resentment towards you. The guilt that came from lying to him and not being able to help in a better way would be plaguing your mind for quite some time.

A few droplets of rain dotted the ground before it turned into a hefty downpour. You allowed some water to fall in your palm to check it's state. It was just clear and plain water, not the red rain associated with the vengeful apparition's appearance. Well, not yet.

Amongst the sound of rain, you heard Amias's voice.

"(Y/n)! Caleb! Are you guys okay?" Amias caught up to you two. "I cleared the area of apparitions, so I thought I'd come back here."

"Wow~ How efficient!" Caleb gave him a quick round of applause. "I hereby declare you as a SF member right now."

You looked at him. "Caleb, I don't think that's how it works."

The rain suddenly increased in intensity. In response to that, you, Caleb and Amias threw your hoodies over your heads. Grey clouds crowded the sky, but you swore you could see a faint red hue in them. The vengeful apparition would be appearing much sooner than you anticipated.

Amias must've noticed your worried look because he brought out the holographic screen and discreetly motioned if you wanted to use it. You glanced over to Caleb. He was checking his device and despite there being a digital screen next to him, he didn't notice it. It really was only you and Amias who can see it.

You softly shook your head and Amias nodded. Seeing Caleb check his device reminded you of something. You briefly rolled up the sleeve of your jacket to reveal your own device and took note of the remaining hours left from the 24 hour timer automatically set at the start of the SF trial.

Ah, almost forgot. You went ahead and created your own personal clock that had the same amount of hours displayed by the timer.

"Alright, we should get moving."

With a playful salute, Caleb exclaimed, "Alright, captain!"

Even with Mochi to enhance your endurance and speed, you had some trouble keeping up with the boys' pace. They were probably slowing down a little for your sake and you felt incredibly bad because of that. The temperature had drastically dropped, the cold was definitely affecting your face considering it was the only uncovered part of you. Sifting through your pockets and pulling out a black mask, you placed it on. The product belonged to the AEI and was designed for operations so you wouldn't have difficulties in breathing.

"Nice look, Miss Support! Looking good for the camera?"

"My face is freezing off."


It was as if lightning had struck your movements when you suddenly halted. A foreboding feeling suffused within you and your feet were glued to the ground, not daring to step another step further. Amias and Caleb also stopped running and were on high alert, it seems like they sensed that something was off as well.

Confirming your suspicions, an apparition emerged from the shadows behind a tall building. The fact that it was sluggishly crawling made you recoil back, disturbed. It's movements were sedated and it was dilatory in registering the presence of the three of you... Ah, fuck. It was an abnormal apparition––no, there were several abnormal apparitions.

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