[19] Understanding

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A soft clink! stood out against the noise coming from the monitors. His right hand busy flipping a coin, a young man casually laid back on the chair––that most definitely did not belong to him––one leg crossed over the other and his purple eyes fixated on the one monitor screen amongst the many lined up against the wall in the dimly lit room.

The coin was flicked a little higher before it was swiftly caught and placed down the table. A look of awe crossed the young man's expression. A support member was displayed on the screen, her eyes shone a vivid red and her expression was apathetic. The cameras were especially focused on her seeing how several different angles were captured.

"Did she get possessed?" he mumbled. "That's so cool––well, it wouldn't be cool if the vengeful apparition ends up killing her––but still very cool."

The young man jumped off the seat––which was surprisingly quite comfortable, might he add––stretched his arms over his head, and glanced around. He chuckled sheepishly upon seeing four unconscious individuals, individuals wearing uniforms that belonged to the Technology Design Division and individuals that were unconscious thanks to him. Their heads were on the table, cheeks squished against the surface as they slept peacefully.

He brought a hand to his lips and closed his eyes, eyebrows slightly knitting together in concentration. "Ah... what was I doing again?" He snapped his fingers. "Oh, right! Breaking and entering."

That moment of concentration lasted approximately 0.2 seconds before his attention was stolen yet again by the monitors. How could he not turn around when he saw an entire building collapse onto the possessed support member?

"Woah, is she okay––? Wait, I shouldn't get distracted." He sighed. "Man, being my own boss is tough."

Begrudgingly, the young man tore his attention away from the screen and forced himself to focus on the task at hand. He brushed his long blonde hair off his shoulders, placed his hands on his hips, and nodded to himself. Alright, alright. Illegal activity, that's what I'm supposed to be doing.

The small enclosed space in where he was currently was the least complex one to break into amongst all the other sections belonging to the TDD. It resembled a security room, but a little more luxurious. Drawers had reports and files of AEI members, which was nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary. At the back of the room were a few computers and were obviously secured with passwords. The blond would love to pull out some cool hacking skills, but he didn't have any.

There was a long desk in front of the monitors where papers and notepads laid. His original plan was to enter the room, knock out the AEI members, read the contents on the papers and notepads they were writing in, then get out as soon as possible. Honestly, the first two steps were surprisingly easier than he expected. Not getting distracted by the SF trial on the monitors was the hard part.

Mumbling a quiet 'excuse me', he pushed aside one of the AEI member's arms to take a look at the papers and notepads. Written down were several names and notes underneath said names. The blond glanced at the monitor, then looked back at the documentations. Were these written observations on the SF candidates? The AEI members were probably watching on the monitors and jotting stuff down, huh?

Out of all the names, there were three with the most written about them.

(Y/n), Amias, and Cecil. He knew who Cecil was, but he wondered about the other two. Though, he swore he had heard rumours about (Y/n) at some point. Something about surviving a vengeful apparition's possession?

The young man took photos of the notes on his phone and he couldn't help but read out a few sentences to himself.

"(Y/n): has abnormal experiences with apparitions." Hah! So he was thinking of the right person! Being a detective didn't seem so impossible now. Should he come up with a name for himself? "Amias: an unknown background. Has a great affinity for exorcism despite showing a lack of experience in the field."

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