[32] Take Action

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Caleb covered his lips, dropping the fork onto the table with little regards to the obnoxious metal clatter that filled the empty silence in his room. Leaning back on the chair, he focused on suppressing the nausea that urged him to run to his bathroom to throw up.

Seconds, minutes, hours––he wasn't sure. Eventually, Caleb was able to safely remove his hands from his lips. Green eyes that were typically bright with mischief and mirth were currently languid and frustrated. Caleb laughed quietly to himself, the smile on his face bitter.


Again he couldn't consume his own cooking. The moment his body recognised the familiar taste, it naturally rejected it. It was too much like his brother's cooking. There had been times where Caleb forcefully consumed the food in some desperate attempt to overcome this condition of his. How did it end? Not very well. Let's just say, he needed to be exempt from duty for the day.

"Ah, seriously. And just when I thought I was making good progress."

Caleb glanced at his table filled with pastries. He could never seem to make a small bunch, another habit he picked up from James. Well, it would be a waste of food if he just threw it all away. Perhaps he should visit the cafeteria and hand them out.

Maybe Miss Support is with her previous team?

Caleb smiled to himself, feeling a little better. He wanted to see you.

It was weird. There was something comforting about your presence. Caleb never opened up his past to you, but you were there for him either way. Your concerns were genuine, but sometimes Caleb thought you were too kind for your own good; but that was what made you so reassuring to be around.

A vibration came from his pocket and Caleb checked his phone. Oh! Speak of the devil. It was a text from you.


"... So, here we have different plates of instant noodles with spice levels varying from one to ten?"

You examined the line of dishes placed in a scarily uniformed matter. It was early in the morning and the cafeteria had a few other support dispatches in it. They were eating breakfast, as you usually do in the morning. Your team? Well...

"We'll try them blindfolded and guess the spice level!"

Ness and Lucas announced that at the same time, showing you exaggerated jazz hands. Everyday these two become more and more in sync. You weren't sure if you should be terrified or not.

"What brought this up?" you asked.

"Because!" Lucas pointed an accusing finger at you. "You need to spend more time with us! This past week we've barely seen you!"

Ness nodded. "Honestly, do you know how much Lily misses you?" She shook her head in mock disapproval. "She even bought the magazines with you on the cover––"

Lily shot up from her seat and covered Ness's hand. You were impressed at her speed.

Lucas nudged you. "So? So? Wanna give it a shot?"

"Sure, I'm in. Oh! Let me see if Caleb can join." You snickered. "Trust me, you guys will thank me for this."


R u free


Good sir I am not free


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