[41] Closer

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It's really Eve?!

Your neck almost snapped by how fast you turned around. Subsequently, you accidentally bumped into the table behind you. Whatever pain you were supposed to feel was ignored. You stared at Eve with wide eyes, unbelieving of the sight in front of you.

The first thing that caught your attention was that they were abnormally tall. You thought you've grown used to looking up because of people like Jade, Finn, and Lyle. But Eve? They were at least a head taller than Finn. What did this person eat when they were a child?

"Oh, did I surprise you?" Eve asked, their eyes half lidded, adding an air of casual ease to their expression. "I had a few last minute errands and didn't know when I'd be done, so I sent you in early to have a look around. Do you like the lighting? Or do you prefer a cooler colour scheme? Are my tastes in furniture similar to yours? Maybe I should put up some paintings... Do you have any recommendations? A particular artist you like?"

Th-that's a lot of questions.


Eve was right in front of you and all of your words were lodged in your throat. Great.

Eve tilted their head, long locks of pink hair gently shifting to one side and falling behind their shoulder. Their hair was styled in a half up half down style with messy twin buns. It looked so soft, your hands itched to braid it. You thought Kein had long hair, but Eve won that trophy. Maybe it was because of their height advantage, there was more room for hair to grow before reaching an impractical length.

Your attention was drawn to the clipboard they held. Before you could wonder what contents were behind it, they took a step closer to you and smiled. There was an uncanny yet endearing charm in how their smile reached their eyes; a sincere yet very eager expression.

"Are you nervous? Is it because of my height? Are my pupils too odd? Or is it because you're someone who gets nervous around new people?"

Holy hell did Eve like to ask questions.

"Well, it's because it's you."

Eve looked confused for a moment before suddenly laughing. "What does that mean? I'm afraid you're going to have to be more specific. Again, is it because of my unusual appearance? Or—"

"It's because you're super famous in the AEI!" You had to quickly cut them off before they went on another tangent. "I mean, everyone in the AEI knows your name, but that's all. Of course I'm nervous!"

"Ahhhh." Eve giggled. "I am a pretty big deal."

No kidding. Eve was in charge of designing and producing basically all of the AEI's inventions. They also played a critical role in how the first and recent SF trials were ran, and they also had a critical involvement in... certain experiments. They were the foundation of the AEI, the reason why it was so advanced. Every time something inventive is introduced? Probably Eve. Every time a new way to subdue apparitions was discovered? Probably Eve. You can't even begin to fathom how creative and intelligent they are.

Someone with so much contribution, yet with little to no actual information on them.

"Well!" Even clapped their hands. "Would you like a drink? Come with me."

You followed behind Eve as they opened the fridge. Oh, wow. It was filled.

"I wasn't sure what kinds of drinks you'd like. Soda, juice, energy drinks, coffee, alcohol... So! I decided the best thing to do was buy everything." Eve turned over to you with an excited smile. "Take your pick."

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