Chapter 3: The bliss and beginning

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[4th Wall/No one's POV]

[14 days until adoption.]

We return with the twins who are now 12 years old, Dio is sitting on the only chair inside the house with his brother Y/N on his lap, the both of them are reading the same book although it was more one was reading the book while the other was more thinking to himself, the one thinking to himself is Y/N.

Y/N: "I should be used this by now after two years, but its still so goddamn embarrassing! Maybe its because I'm not a JoJo character that I can never be used to this strange fucking behavior that comes out of no where but for two fucking years! I have been subjected to this!"

We have a flash back montage of Dio after his multiple growth spurts over the 2 years has gone from 4 Ft. 10 inches to 5 Ft. 9 inches, and has been walking up to Y/N who was about a 4 Ft. 2 inches was sitting in his chair reading a book and picking him up off the chair before plopping him down on his lap for no reason other than wanting to make sure his brother is safe. End of the flash back montage.

Y/N: "Never in my entire existence as a man have I ever been more disheartened and embarrassed as I have over these two fucking years..."

Y/N looks like his soul is about to leave his body but is rapidly pulled back in as the beginning of the anime starts happening right before him.

But Y/N's little immersed experience is cut short as he is lifted by Dio who is now holding him in a princess carry.


Y/N's rage filled thoughts of embarrassment are interrupted as he is quickly swung around by Dio to protect him from the bottle Dario was holding was hurled through the air, shattering and splattering the booze inside all against the wall behind Dio which Y/N's body was now facing due to Dio's quick action.

Dio then places the book he was holding in his left hand on the table that was next to the chair, all while holding Y/N who was now returned to the princess carry in Dio's strangely masculine and muscular arms for a 12 year old.

Y/N due to his pillar man brain could remember word for word as to what should transpire in the original and as his brain was collecting the memory of the scene, Dio walks over to Dario while still holding Y/N this time having his arm under Y/N's right arm.

Y/N: "Dio... I ain't got much longer... You understand, right?"

Dario: "Dio, Y/N... I ain't got much longer... You understand, right?"

Dario then coughs up blood unlike in the original where he just coughed rather ruggedly.

Y/N: "When I die, take this letter and go to the address written here... Go stay with the Joestars!"

Dario: "You two... When I die, take this letter and go to the address written on it... Go stay with the Joestars!"

Y/N: "That old fool owes me... And you're a sharp lad... You ought to be a rich and powerful man... Who wont take no from anyone.."

Dario: "That old fool owes me... And your both smart lads... That cant be separated from each other, so watch each others backs... And I bet the two of you two together will become rich and powerful men... Who will achieve more than any one man ever could!"

Dario then begins to cough a bit more violently with flecks of blood splattering the cover he is lying under, Dio then takes the letter from Dario who lies back down in bed going to sleep after exerting himself to give them the letter.

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