Chapter 6: The Reunion and Plan revealed

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Dweet here! I have returned after little bit less than 4 weeks of getting shit done and a little procrastination! My arms, legs, back all collectively hurt like a mother f'er, but I have finally come back! Now with the groove returned! Now back to writing the chapters!


[4th Wall's/No one's POV.]

Y/N opens his eyes after having his face embraced and head thoroughly acupunctured, he see's the stars in the clear sky while on his back. He lies their looking up at them with a sense of calm joy and pure tranquility, he then slowly lifts his arm in front of himself and tries flexing his arm, trying to evoke something from his newly evolved limb.

And nothing happens. Y/N finally looks at it with confusion and while sitting up, notices the floor being a purple liquid and quickly puts 2 and 2 together and realizes where he currently is and looks around looking for something, more accurately someone.

???: "Hello, Y/N."

Y/N quickly turns around to look at the source of the greeting and finds the pale purple skinned part 1 Dio look alike, who is sitting at a small circular table with a empty chair on the opposite side, a slightly steaming kettle that is clearly from the 21st century, 2 tea cups and respective plates for said tea cups that are very ornate and appear as though from 19th century where he just came from.

DIO?: "Before you ask I summoned only your soul and time is currently frozen as soon as you were called. But aside from that would you like some hot chocolate? Its freshly brewed."

DIO? then takes a sip of the hot chocolate before continuing to talk.

DIO?: "And is simply divine."

DIO? then chuckles at his own joke before continuing to drink his hot chocolate, Y/N now motivated and in tunnel vision due to his addiction to hot chocolate immediately gets up and speed walks over to the opposite side of the small table to DIO? and plops himself down on the chair and chugs the hot chocolate like his life depended on it.

DIO? then chuckles at his own joke before continuing to drink his hot chocolate, Y/N now motivated and in tunnel vision due to his addiction to hot chocolate immediately gets up and speed walks over to the opposite side of the small table to DIO? ...

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After a small moment Y/N removes the cup from his lips and gives a satisfied sigh.

Y/N: "Phew... My addiction needed that so badly..."

DIO? chuckling with a barely noticeable tone of what seems like longing and nostalgia, grabs the kettle and pours another cup of hot chocolate for Y/N to enjoy. Y/N then suddenly asks.

Y/N: "So... How long has it been since you completed the "PLAN"..?"

DIO? was about to answer before Y/N cut him off to correct his own wording. 

Y/N: "I mean 'ourplan to be precise."

DIO? then smiles and with a very weathered and aged look in his eyes, says.

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