Chapter 5: The evolution and secret bound.

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[4th Wall/ No one's POV]

We return right where we left off, with JoJo carrying the limp body of Y/N in the princess carry he so despises, Y/N seems to have passed out from all the excessive activities he had done, the group was walking up the stairs with JoJo following behind her father, while Dio is walking behind JoJo carrying his and Y/N's suitcases.

JoJo while carrying Y/N realizes how small and skinny he is in comparison to his brother now that she is holding him in her arms and thinks to herself.

JoJo: "Why is he so small? Father said that he is a twin, so why is he so small instead of being tall like Dio? I feel like it would be inappropriate to ask about a touchy subject so... I will wait until he chooses to talk about it."

George who was leading the 2 stops in front a door and waits for the other 2 to walk over before opening the door while explaining.

George: "This bedroom is Y/N's. Dio if you would just put Y/N's suitcase over by the closet that is over there, the servants will put away Y/N's belongings."

Dio does what George asked and walks back just as George begins walking down the hallway and asks his daughter.

George: "JoJo, seen as how Y/N is asleep, can you put him in his bed while I show Dio to his room?"

JoJo quickly responds to her father.

JoJo: "Yes, dad."

George then disappears through the door way as he turns down the hallway, Dio follows shortly after but not before stopping and turning to JoJo and giving his brother a anxious look. He then walks out of sight down the hallway. 

JoJo walks to the bed and places Y/N down on his new bed she then takes off his shoes with minor difficulty due to the room being dark from the curtains being closed. 

She starts to remove his scarf but stops when she notices something pressed down underneath the scarf, JoJo continues to remove the scarf and gasps at the sight of Y/N's pillar man horns protruding from behind his jaw and going under his ears. 

JoJo now shocked, confused and curious quickly looks behind her to check if anyone was there before making her way and shutting the door, she proceeded to check more of Y/N's head finding his other 4 horns hidden in his hair, 2 on either side of his head and the other 2 behind his ears. 

JoJo was now wondering if there was more of these horns, started to take off Y/N's trench coat to find out, only to gasp at the sight of his ribcage showing from beneath his shirt. JoJo now seeing Y/N's emaciated body thinks to herself.

JoJo: "How can a person be so... So skeletal. It is as if he has never eaten in his life! its saddening, he looks as if he could break just from touch."

Without thinking she slowly reaches and places her hand on Y/N's chest, which immediately caused Y/N to snap awake due to his traumatized Pillar man senses that were dulled from his lack of energy. 

Was now screaming at him about "Dario" trying to grab and harm him, and in a burst of speed his pale and bone like hand latched onto JoJo's wrist which caused JoJo to scream in fright.


which also in turn caused Y/N to start screaming.


But he was quickly silenced when JoJo punched him in the face out of reflex knocking him back into unconsciousness. JoJo then realized what she just did and quickly put Y/N into a comfortable looking position on his bed and placed the quilt over him, the quilt covered his entire body making him look like a corpse in a body bag, JoJo then apologized and sprinted out of his room leaving the unconscious Y/N with a smoking red bruise on his nose alone in his room.

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