Chapter 4: The close encounter with death and the starting line in sight.

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[4th Wall/ No one's POV]

[8 years until Dio's Folly]

We return right to where we left with Dio meeting Jonathan or as within this universe Johanna Joestar, which Y/N was having a mental breakdown over while still in the carriage completely disconnected from the world as he essentially scrolls thoroughly through all of his memories before remembering the conversation with ?DIO? prior to his reincarnation.

?DIO?: "Hmmm... I don't know let me think, oh I know, lets send you to the world that I originated from!"

Y/N now understanding the wording that ?DIO? had used, which he never said that he was from the world of JoJo, Y/N then finally calmed down and began mulling over all of his plans for the future.

Y/N: "Okay so Jonathan is a chick in this world, which to me is a bit weird but no matter the plan will hopefully remain the same, it will just have a few cracks in it for now because what could be different in the future? Will JoJo have enough strength with her physiology of being female to defeat Dio? Who will JoJo fall in love with if Erina is a girl or will she be a boy in this world? Will Kars or any of this worlds antagonists be female now? So many new variables to account for! GOD DAMN IT!"

while Y/N was thinking with his 31 year old mind and brain with a IQ of 400, he didn't notice Dio and JoJo talking about him outside the carriage. 

JoJo: "so where is you're brother? Is he still inside the carriage if he is why is he not coming out?"

Dio annoyed at the fact that she knows their names and that they are twins but apparently she doesn't know about his brothers accursed "condition" that keeps him from being able to enjoy the sun like everyone else in the world. He then explains as to why his brother is still inside.

Dio: "He is still inside the carriage because of his condition which prevents him from being outside due to the sun and its light greatly injuring him, its a rather sore subject for us."

JoJo wearing her heart on sleeve just like in the original, goes through a mix of emotions before landing on sympathy and seeking forgiveness.

JoJo: "Oh! I am so sorry, I didn't know, I just only heard about you and your brother coming to stay with us yesterday, I didn't mean to pry into a touchy subject."

Dio thought to himself

Dio: "So she is the Joestar heir? she looks a naïve pampered girl who is emotional and seems relatively clueless while also being quick to seek forgiveness if she performs a transgression against someone. Humph foolish girl I, Dio will take everything from you and I will make sure that me and my brother can live a life of luxury!"

Dio, unaware that Fate is manipulating his feelings about his brother so it can push him towards a path that was made to mold him into a monster then responds to JoJo

Dio: "It is fine, seen as how you didn't know, now come let me introduce you to my twin."

The 2 then walk over to the open door of the carriage, where Dio then introduces JoJo to Y/N.

Dio: "And here is my twin, Y/N."

JoJo: "Its nice to me-..!"

Y/N being a pillar man snaps his head to meet JoJo's gaze with inhuman speed which scared her as from her perspective she saw a shadowy figure suddenly bring their bright red glowing eyes to stare directly at her, JoJo was feeling a oppressive pressure unlike any other that was born from pure fear, a fear that is so crippling that ones hair could turn stark white just from being exposed too long.

JoJo felt as though they were going to run away in terror before suddenly the figure moved slightly closer towards the open door of the carriage. JoJo took a step back along with Dio who in his entire life never had seen his brother like this, he fearfully stepped away and then his brother was revealed in the shade of the carriage who then spoke.

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