Chapter Eight: Drum Kingdom

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Heres a quick index and Author's note. Read so you don't get confused in my future writing.

To those who may have read since the beginning, as in from the start of me posting, I made some editing, not too major though. The about has a new character I added.

When I refer to Yumeko as Aunt G. it's how she refers to her aunt in an almost fond way. If she uses the first name she honours how her aunt actually wanted to be referred to.

"When it's like this." -thats obviously someone talking normally

'When it's like this.' - Thats the reader/(Y/n) thinking

"When it's like this." - It's when she hears an aquatic animal or creature speaking to her.

"When it's like this it." It's someone else thinking
All these rules apply except when there's a flashback.

I've been working on writing in a way that's close to how people normally speak on a day to day basis and maybe Y/n comes off as someone close to her friends but distant in a sense it's for the plot.I want her to fully open up to her friends and not just instantly click, like how some friendship go mostly.

Enough of my rambling. Enjoy ♥️
Three years ago (age 14)

The feel of stones being thrown at my back hurt. The taunts thrown along with them hurt more.

" Monster!"

"Cursed child!"

'Please. Someone.'

"Go back to where you came from!"


Sticks accompany the things thrown at me. I feel large thuds around me. The smell of smoke filling my nostrils.
Large hands grab onto my arms. Dragging me closer to something crackling. It's warm. But not comforting.

The sounds of cheers ring in my ears. The flames lick the surrounding me. My eyes rake over the crowd smiling over the pain I feel. My voice hurts.


"Monster? No, please listen! I didn't do anything. Please!"

I feel every moving thing around me. The wind carresses my cheeks. The flames embraced my body. The birds sung overhead. The waves of the sea from the nearby shore. The flow of blood in every vein and artery of those who rejoice in my demise.


"Sometimes when the world wants you to fail, to call you a monster. Don't listen. Become a hero or something .Prove them wrong, Y/n."

The memory of her voice soothes me. One of the only people that I knew that cared about me was gone and she won't come back. I miss you, aunt Yumeko.

"Then again. What have we got to prove? We are what we are. If they want a monster, we show them what a real monster is. Then at the end of the day, we have a cup of coffee. It's your choice really."

"That's one thing to teach a nine year old. Really wise aunt G."

Screams tore throughout the village square. Blood painting the soil and pavement red. Some tried to run. Others stood in shock. The flames around me spread out into the rest of the buildings nearby.

I reached out with my fingers as though reaching towards the heavens. I watched as all my tormentors fell to
unconscious. My power bursting them from the inside.

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