chapter one: Professor Riddle

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It was year 1956, Tom Marvolo Riddle had been accepted by headmaster Dippet, when he was about to leave his role to Dumbledore, to be the new Defense against the dark arts professor once the would reach the age of 29. Of course Tom didn't really want to be a professor, no he wanted much more, he wanted that role to get a better hold on Hogwarts and turn pureblood students and their families to his side while being there, he was already planning the first wizarding war as Lord Voldemort, disguised as a professor at Hogwarts. He was ready to use his charm and any other type of manipulation to get as many followers as he could. It was a time of darkness and everyone had their ears right open to notice every single detail, women had no position of power and were seen as inferior, most women sadly would submit to it and accept their fate, they didn't care to do well in school as they knew they would marry young with older men who had already their lives together and could support them and their future children financially. At the time every pureblood family had declared a male heir that would inherit the financial and political power. The most powerful pureblood houses that controlled each a half of the Ministry of Magic were House Black and House Rosier, the two houses had always fought between each other to try to get each other's half of power, they were the houses from which the pureblood families started so they were related to every other family, they were the most powerful and the richest. Their battles lasted for centuries until an agreement was set, a wedding to bind the two together, the firstborn male heir of House Black, Cynus Black, would marry the first born daughter sister of the male heir of House Rosier, Druella Rosier. The two houses met together in wedding and had a child, but it wasn't a boy, it wasn't a male heir, it was a daughter. But Druella was infertile and she couldn't seem to be able to procreate more at the moment and Cynus couldn't marry another Rosier since she was the only daughter and sister of the heir, so they decided to believe in her first born daughter, to support her and raise her as a male heir.
It was written when the two houses met together in marriage that their first born child and heir would inherit a massive power, having the power of both families and every other family, it was written in the law that at this child's 21st birthday he would become a second minister of magic.

Tom was on the train to Hogwarts with the rest of the students and professors, expecting to achieve many things in between the school year, he was alone in an empty cabin, reading the daily prophet, when he heard a knock on the glass door of the cabin and heard it open. He immediately turned around slightly moving his gaze up and raising an eyebrow in curiosity as he saw who opened the door.

A girl opened the door and looked at him, he could tell she was analyzing him from head to toe. She couldn't have been more than 17 years old. Her almond thin cold green elongated eyes were piercing through his, he began analyzing her back. Her skin was as pale as ice which made contrast with her black long defined wavy hair down her shoulders that stopped a little after her chest, her eyebrows also black and full, her lips red and plumped and her nose straight and harmonic. Her nails were long of an almond shape and painted bordoux. She was wearing her uniform, he could notice she was a Slytherin from the tie, only her uniform was slightly different than what he had seen on the other students or even the one he wore himself when he was a student at Hogwarts. She was wearing a black blouse instead of a plain white one, she wore it with her green and silver striped tie which symbolized her house, Slytherin. She was also wearing a medium length dark green skirt which also symbolized her house and she wore it with black see-through thighs and another peculiarity was that she was wearing black heels too instead of plain shoes.

She spoke up after some moments, her accent british like his, her tone low and soothing.

-All the cabins are full, may i come in to stay until.. the train arrives?-

He studied her closely, intrigued by her beauty, he had never seen a woman this beautiful, she looked like a painting. He remained silent for a moment before he replied, in a cold and monotone voice.

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