chapter four : Secret Attraction

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Tom saw her dark red eyes and there he learned something new, fear, not of being weak or getting erased from was real fear, fear for her, a lot more than just a little girl and now he knew...oh he knew why she was like she was. She didn't just have a small gift, her visions, her intuition, how she could almost read someone's thoughts and now this, her skin burning at touch, her uncontrollable magic. These were all clues but as he saw her eyes and hands carrying that dark red aura for a moment, there he knew, the prophecy was real.

He mumbled and widened his eyes.

The glass of the broken windows was coming towards her, like metal attracted by a magnet. Then she fell on her knees on the floor and kept sobbing, the trembling slowly slowed down and the glass stopped coming towards her. She was just there on the floor crying loudly.

He stood there silently for a moment as he watched her crumble down on the floor. He felt himself breathing heavily and unevenly as his breath still felt a bit shaky. He slowly walked to her, the glass crunching beneath his shoes, and he looked at her on the floor and he felt conflicted about what to do. He watched her for a few moments before he knelt down beside her and spoke to her quietly and softly.


-Leave me alone... I'm a monster-,

She sobbed not looking up in his eyes, her and her voice cracked.

-No, Catherine. You are not a monster-

He spoke quietly with a low, gentle, sympathetic voice and he reached out his hand, a little hesitant almost scared to get burned again but when his hand touched her chin he let out a little sigh of relief, he gently raised her chin to make her look in his eyes.

-I don't know what's happening to me Tom...I feel this...this rage and there was a moment in the ballroom where I/I just wanted

She looked away wiping her tears almost embarrassed of herself.

-I know what is happening to you Catherine... you have a power... an extraordinary power, and I know exactly what you mean to want to just hurt people, it's normal-

He spoke in a low, soft, gentle voice and he slowly caressed her chin, looking in her eyes with a subtle smirk.

-Everyone treats me like I'm...shit, like I'm a peasant-

She wiped away her tears and spoke with a subtle anger.

He however felt a deep understanding for her and he couldn't help but feel a connection with her, something he couldn't quite understand, it was new, he had never felt anything in the literal sense of the phrase.

He reached out gently and took hold of her hand. He looked into her eyes and spoke softly.

-You are a strong and powerful witch, and no one should be allowed to treat you the way they all do...I will help you-

He looked side to side in her eyes.

-I'm so tired of it..-

She looked up in his eyes, her eyes still wet and slightly red from the tears yet a glimpse of hatred could be recognized.

As he looked into her eyes and saw the hatred in them he felt a mix of excitement and understanding inside him. He slowly stood up and held his other hand out to her, offering to help her.

-Come on. Let's go for a walk...-

She hesitated, looking down at his hand and up in his eyes a few times, then she finally took it and let him lift her up.

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