chapter two: The ball

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He tried to forget about her and went on with his day, he filled out forms and set up his new office and his room, he talked to the headmaster and started gathering information for his first class there. His first day was going fine regardless, he really had just to find a date because he lied to her about having one. He invited the pretty assistant she suggested, she was near his age, a half blood, normally he wouldn't go for that but no pureblood woman was free, her name was Carrie Williams. He decided to start getting ready.

Carrie was very pretty and attractive, who seemed to be in her early twenties. She had long straight blonde hair and big green eyes. It was obvious that she had been picked up out of many girls of the school by Professor Riddle simply because he liked how attractive she was, other than for Catherine's suggestion. She was actually enjoying being invited to go to the ball with him and she couldn't deny the fact that she was very attracted to him as well. In short his first day was completely successful and so was his choice of date.

Finally it was time for the ball and people were being presented, their name and their escort was being said out loud when walking inside this beautiful room decorated with gold and frescoes. The professors and their escorts were being presented first and then the students. Carrie was dressed in a pretty silver long dress with white heels, she had make up on with red lipstick. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt, very formal. They were presented and after he was offering her a drink and they were both drinking and talking, he was having a good time, she was the average girl she didn't have much charm to her or cleverness, she was still very attractive and it was enough for him at the given moment even if she was clearly his opposite. She wasn't mysterious, charming, sophisticated, smart, witty or as beautiful as Catherine, but she was still really attractive in a very feminine way. That's exactly what he had expected from her. She wasn't going to question him about any of his secrets and she would just be there to dance with him and just be there with him, like a good accessory, that's what he thought. She was the kind of girl who'd be able to stay silent during any of their conversations unless he asked her to speak. As he continued to talk to Carrie he realized more and more she was a very submissive woman, like almost every woman at the time, she had even less intelligence than he thought at first, he could talk to her only about simple topics, he would get bored if it wasn't for her attractiveness, he knew Carrie was the kind of woman that with a little lure would've jumped to bed with him, he didn't despise the idea at all. He was just enjoying the moment.

They were laughing and he was sipping from his glass some champagne while watching the students being presented out loud with their escorts. Until there it was...her, that one particular student that caught his eye, Catherine Black. She was with a boy, he was taller than her and had blonde brownish hair and green eyes, he looked very handsome. Her outfit probably was the best looking out of every girl there, not only her outfit outshined the others but her beauty in that moment had no rival, she was wearing a long dress that arrived at her ankles, dark red with black shades, with black heels and white long gloves that ended after her elbows. The dress had the chest part made as a corset that had a very low neckline, the corset part gave her breasts a push up as it was really tight on the waist. The sleeves were mini and were down her shoulders. She was wearing what looked like a diamond necklace. Her nails long and almond shaped painted a dark red. Her black long hair wavier than normal, the waves were more defined and the hair was all put on the right side laying on her chest. She was wearing very little make up, enough to enhance her features even more, red lips and a little brown eyeshadow with some mascara to enhance her hypnotizing eyes. She was waiting to be presented, everyone's breath stopped in seeing her. She was truly the most beautiful woman that there was, her presence was intoxicating and hypnotizing, anyone would've done anything for a woman like her, as in fact there was none like her, she was unique.

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