chapter three: A strange presence

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After Catherine accepted his offer he decided that he would accompany her to the Slytherin common room as she wanted to get some rest after the ball. Everyone was still at the ball so no one that would notice them together. They started talking as they walked together.

-I have big plans for your Miss Black, but you must behave and listen to my every order. Do you understand?-

He glanced at her beginning a conversation, he knew she absolutely wouldn't listen to everything but he liked to tease her.

-Go to hell...-

She rolled her eyes and mumbled to herself.

-Excuse me? could you repeat?-

He raised an eyebrow with a small amused smirk.

-My day has been horrible alright? can't you just leave me alone? we've talked and I'm joining your cause now....i suggest you let me be-

She let out a loud sigh.

Now her attitude annoyed him and he wanted to take her down several notches. When she rolled her eyes and said she had a terrible day he was not going to have it. His eyes piercing into hers right now

-You think I care if your day has been bad? The universe doesn't revolve around YOU, little princess-

She looked straight in his eyes coldly, it was almost... unsettling for him, no one had ever had the guts. She was annoyed by his attitude but she also felt challenged.

-Not yet will be-

She said firmly in a low tone, a fire in her eyes.

She wasn't scared of him and that amused him. Most women feared him when they were in his presence. But this girl...she kept on fighting him. This had now turned into a power struggle between the two of them. He was intrigued by her and her persistence, he smirked smugly again.

-And how do you know everything will revolve around you? Do you think you are destined for it?-

He scoffed.

She looked like she was about to answer when something hit her.

-I am no/..-

Suddenly she looked away, her eyes seemed to lose focus, she squeezed them and then she felt a sudden hurt in her head, she put a hand on her forehead losing balance and almost falling before he caught her.


Her eyes closed, her head hurting but it was strange, he wasn't doing anything to her, normally he could make people hurt subconsciously but he was wasn't him, he wasn't doing anything.

He kept hold of her and kept her balanced. All he could see is her pain and the fact that she suddenly looked weak. Something was wrong. This had suddenly became very real for him. No longer was he seeing an intelligent and strong woman. This was now a vulnerable girl. He tightened his grip on her hand and spoke in a soft voice which he never used except with people he had a soft spot for, which was only her.

-Catherine...are you alright?-

When she opened her eyes she wasn't there with him, she was somewhere else. This had happened before, she would have these...visions, so real and accurate but no one ever believed her. She was able to move in them, analyze what was around her.

She looked around, she felt confused, her breath short like she had been running. She was in what looked like a mansion, similar to one of her own. The walls and stairs were all of a dark green, it was enormous. Then suddenly she heard some voices, she narrowed her eyes and started to move slowly forward, towards those voices. She arrived in a room, it was all so dark, only some candles and the little light that came from the windows were enlightening the atmosphere. There was a long table, so long similar to those the great hall at Hogwarts. So many people were sitting at this table, at the right and left side, but only one was sitting at the head of the table. She didn't know any of those people, she looked closely at all of them. Until she heard the woman at the head of the table speak, it was curious... she was speaking of an order..."The Order of the Phoenix", she had no idea what it meant until that woman called one of the people sitting at the table by their name..."Bellatrix". Her eyes widened and she looked closely at the woman the other woman called, it really looked like her sister but grown. In that moment of time her sister Bellatrix was just five years old while Andromeda was three and Narcissa one. The woman had long curly black hair and pale skin, she had sinister dark brown eyes and a dark smile on her lips. Then suddenly something else caught her attention, a man. He was giving everyone his shoulders, looking out the window. He was tall, had dark brown hair and was wearing a suit but she couldn't see his face properly. The man suddenly started speaking in a language she couldn't understand, no one seemed to understand it... she heard the words "sychnata selith ashak". She couldn't understand the meaning of those words but they seemed to be a call, a call for something and that's when a snake started coming towards the man as he continued calling the snake by its name "Come, Nagini". The man's voice sounds familiar, Catherine narrowed her eyes and took a step closer until suddenly her attention and head was forcefully turned on the woman sitting at the head of the table. She looked so...familiar. She had long wavy black hair, pale skin and red lips, her stare was cold and firm with those almond thin green eyes. Her hands and fingers were intertwined together in a position of authority and confidence. That's when she realized that, that woman...was herself but slightly older. She must've been around twenty years old. Catherine looked at her older other self widening her eyes.

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