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I look up from the Kymie edit I was watching and stare at the ceiling. Back against my mattress, I turn my head towards my alarm clock to check the bright red numbers. 3:36 AM. I really need to stop staying on my phone this late.

Sighing, I kick my legs over the side and use my phone light to make my way towards the door. I tread lightly to avoid waking Jamie, who is in the next room. Ever since we've started living together, I've realised that he's an extremely light sleeper. I once tripped over the foot of a chair in the middle of the night, and he practically came running to check if i was okay. God he's amazing. Swinging the door open, i quietly make my way towards the cabinet to grab a glass. Silently stepping to the sink, i turn the cold tap on, filling the glass just below the rim and turn around. 

Jamie is standing right there. I have now idea how I didn't hear him come out of his room, but he startles me so much I drop the glass, creating a loud crash on the ground as the shards scatter across the floor. 

"Oh shit, Kyle, im so sorry" Jamie apologises immediately, eyes widened. "Are you okay? did you get cut?" "It's okay!" I respond, looking down to see a small line of scarlet forming on my foot. "Yeah, I think I did". "I'm gonna grab your slippers for you so you can step away from the glass, Okay?" I nod, and Jamie quickly walks to the shoe rack and grabs the fluffy slippers and brings them back. I slip them on, and walk over to the drawer to grab a bandaid and apply it. I stare down at the mess. "Sorry I broke it" Jamie looks up. "Don't apologise Kyle, it was my fault, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" he says, giving me a small smile. "Should we clean it up now?" I question, tilting my head. "Nah, it can wait til morning" Jamie says, walking towards the couch and sitting down. "So why are you up at this time of night?" "I was thirsty, and wanted to grab a glass of water" Jamie winces. "Yeah, sorry bout that" "You're good dude. Why are you up?" I say, walking over to the sofa and sitting down next to him. Jamie looks away, clearly embarrassed. "Had a nightmare" he answers, rubbing the back of his head. I pat his shoulder and smile. "Don't worry! Dreams can't hurt you!" I say, making him giggle. 


He's so nice. He's always so nice! Even though I completely freaked him out by creepily standing behind him. I chuckle "Yeah, i know. Thank you Ky" I say, leaning my head back to rest it on the back cushion of the sofa. "What was it about?" My eyes snap open. "Er.. um..... like, someone broke into our house i think" I lie, hoping he believes me. Kyle seems to accept that answer, nodding and saying "Ooh, that would be scary". I chuckle again. He's always been a little oblivious, but it's kinda cute. Wait. No it's not. Totally not cute. Is it normal to think your best friend is cute? "Yea, it was" I respond. Phew, side skirted that.

We sit in silence for a moment, before Kyle breaks it. "Well, we should probably head to bed JJ" I nod in agreement, standing up and heading to the door of my room. "Goodnight Jamie" "Sweet dreams, Kyle"

(If you want to give advice, i will gladly accept! And by that i mean, please give advice 😭. This is my first fanfic and i have no idea if its okay)

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