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This chapter will probably be a long one, so it will take me a while. Title kinda gives it away, but Jamie confesses to Kyle and they kiss and its fucking adorable. DO NOT JUDGE ME, I CANNOT WRITE KISSING SCENES. 

(Btw I'm almost finished, and after this I will be uploading my novel that I'm writing, so... yeah! It's a gay teenage dystopian story, and I'm about 8 chapters in! Tell me if you're interested)   

Kyles POV 

When I wake up, the bed is cold. I'm in my room. Me and Jamie fell asleep cuddling last night, after having dinner, and I'm still exhausted from yesterdays rehearsal. It was a looooong day. I can't stop thinking about what Jacob said to me the other day. 'has Jamie asked you out yet?'. It keeps replaying in my head, over and over. 

I turn onto my back and awkwardly feel around my bedside table until I grab my phone. Turning it on, I am immediately blinded by the light. Rubbing my eyes drearily, I unlock my phone, and open messages.

This is Kyle and this is Jacob

 Hey Jacob! You up? 7:18 AM

Unfortunately. What do you need? 7:21 AM

When you asked if Jamie had asked me out, what did you mean? 7:21 AM

I meant that he was a hippopotamus, the fuck do you think I meant? I was wondering whether he'd asked you out? 7:21 AM

Yea, but you said yet. implying that he's going to... 7:22 AM

Well if he wasn't being such a pussy he would've already. 7:22 AM

Jesus. Whats gotten you in such a mad mood? 7:23 AM

Jeremy. 7:23 AM

Ah. 7:24 AM

Makes sense 7:24 AM

Sooo... you think he will ask me out? 7:25 AM

He might. But knowing him, he also might not. He's scared to lose you. 7:25 AM

Lose... me? 7:26 AM

Jamie is in love with you, and convinced you don't like him back. In his eyes, he doesn't deserve you. He has serious self doubt issues. He thinks that if he tells you, you wont want to be friends with him anymore, and he'll be all alone. My advice: If you wanna go out with him, you ask. Because Jamie will work himself  up into a meltdown trying to bring up the courage to ask you. 7:27 AM

I put the phone down and stare at the ceiling, my mind spinning. Jamie thinks he doesn't... deserve me? but thats ridiculous! he's so much smarter and prettier then I am! I cant believe he doesn't see that. Considering all that Jamie says about himself... it makes sense. I groan. I cannot believe I didn't see it sooner. Then again, i've always been much to naive for my own good. 

I'm not ready to get up yet, so I open TikTok and just scroll mindlessly. The amount of Kymie on my for you page would be concerning if I wasn't in love with him. I watch every edit, find every fan art and view every analysis video I can find.

 There are three types of shippers out there. The ones who hopped on the Kymie train because they thought it was cute, and they thought we acted like an adorable high school relationship. The ones who actually take in all the ways we act like a couple and come to a somewhat logical conclusion about our relationship. And finally, the ones that are a bit TOO obsessive with it, taking it so far to make smutty fan fictions (oop mb bruh) about us. They freak me out a bit, but I can't say they don't have great writing skills. I'm guilty of reading a few, but they are honestly not terrible. 

Scrolling my fyp, I come across a video where the caption is 'the reason why I believe Jamie and Kyle would be a perfect couple'. I watch the entire thing, giggling to myself softly. The guy has simply put in a whole load of clips of Jamie and me looking at each other adoringly. I admit its cute, but it may be a bit of a stretch. I scroll and find an adorable fan art of me and Jamie sharing a bowl of spaghetti. Laughing, I open the comment section. I try not to leave comments on Kymie posts, as they're my guilty pleasure, plus if any fan sees it they will go wild. However, this is just too cute. Omg, this is so adorable. Sent. 

I put the phone down and take a deep breath. Turning on my bedside light, I sigh and get up. Entering the bathroom I splash my face with water, and attempt to prepare myself for the day.

Jamies POV

I am currently sitting on my bed, trying to stop myself from crying. I woke up before Kyle, and tried to build up the confidence to ask him out once he woke up, but I almost had a meltdown imagining what might happen. 

What if he thinks I'm weird or disgusting for liking him?what if he's mad that I didn't tell him sooner? what if he feels like i've been taking advantage of him cuddling me? what if he hates me for liking him? what if I lose him as a friend? I cant do this, I can't, I can't, I can't. He will hate me, and then everything will go wrong, and ... and... and...

I'm interrupted by a knocking on the door. "Jamie? you good?" Kyle asks, his voice sounding worried. Shit, shit shit. As I dry my eyes desperately, Kyle decides he's finished waiting, and walks right on in. his eyes go wide when he sees me. "Jamie, what's wrong? Whats happened?" he questions, coming over and sitting on the end of my bed. I just shake my head and bury my face into my hands. Kyle pats my back, and I feel his worried gaze on the back of my head

We stay like this for a couple moments, before Kyle speaks up. "Jay.... you know you can tell me anything right? I'm your best friend. you can trust me.". I look up at him. "Can... you promise that no matter what happens we'll always be friends?" "Who did you murder? 'Cause if its Jeremy I'll help you bury the body!" I laugh. "I didn't murder anyone Kyle" I laugh, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Yeah, of course we'll always be best friends Jamie" Kyle says, laughing.

"Even if.... I was in love with you?" 

A mixture of suprise, shock and disbelief crosses through Kyles face. I feel as if I made a mistake, so I shake my head, and am about to apoligise when Kyle speaks up. "You... are in love with me?". Well, you cant back down now. I. just swallow the lump in my throat, and nod.

Kyle face splits into the biggest smile i've ever seen. "Holy shit" he says, under his breath. "Jamie, I love you too!". now its my turn to look shocked. "Really?" I say in disbelief, my eyes completley dry now. "Hell yeah! I've liked you for a couple months now! I only just realised it a couple days ago though" Kyle beams at me, holding my hands in his. Looking at his smiling face, I just have the urge to kiss him. 

"Can.... I...."

Kyle cuts me off by putting his lips to mine. I genuinely cannot believe this is happening. I simply cant believe that the guy i've been pining for  for YEARS is kissing me right now. After a couple seconds of pure bliss, we seperate.

We stare at each other for a few seconds, before bursting into laughter. When were done, Kyle gets up. "Wanna go out for breakfast?". I chuckle. "Are you asking me for a date, Ky?" I say, raising my eyebrows. "Yes" He says nonchalantly, making my face go even redder. Which shouldn't be possible. "Well, if its a date, then id love too!" I respond bashfully. 

"Then lets get going! We're not getting anywhere with you sitting in bed!"

"God, you're an asshole"

"You love me!" Kyle blows me a kiss and leaves the room. 

I really do.

( I think this'll be the end, but lemme know if you want a wrap up chapter. this took soooooo loooooooooooooong)

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