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(Jascob chapter!. Summary: gay bitches work through miscommunication, and two other gay bitches gossip about it (and Kyle awkwardly gets out of someone asking about Kymie by biting into a croissant))

Jacob's POV

I hurry to talk to Jason as Kyle and Jamie leave, and I tap his shoulder. He turns around, a small look of shock on his face that quickly returns to a scowl. "What do you want?" He snaps, looking me up and down. I shrink in his gaze. "I really need to talk to you". Jason just looks at me sceptically.

"Five minutes." "Sorry?" "I said, you have five minutes. I'm not wasting my break on you." I sigh. I should've known he'd be difficult. Mustering up the courage, I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. About everything."

Jason's POV

When he says that, i feel my stomach drop. My face slips for a second, but i fix it in a split second. "Excuse me?" "I'm sorry" "You shaved my head, publicly shame me every opportunity you get, make my life a living hell, and you think sorry is enough for me to forgive you!?!?!" "No. I don't".

That stops me in my tracks. I shut my mouth. "You... don't?" "No. I don't. I know that sorry doesn't make up for everything i did to you, I don't expect you to forgive me. Ever. I just want you to know that it was all my fault, and i never meant for you to get hurt. I'm so sorry." Jacob just looks defeated. I've never seen him this quiet. He stares at his hands for a bit, before swallowing and saying "Well. I guess my five minutes is up.", and turning to walk away. I'm still processing this, but as he goes to move, I grab his arm. "Wait a minute.". He turns around eyes wide. "What... did you mean never meant for me to get hurt? I don't understand" Jacob looks guilty. "I never meant for your head to get shaved" "Really. You didn't pay the hairstylist?" I say sceptically as he winces. "I did. But it wasn't meant to go like that. It was miscommunication." "Then why did you fess up to it? Publicly? Like you were proud?" "I WASN'T" Jacob yells, tears in his eyes.

"Then why?" I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Oliver told me too. He said that the beef we had would make profit. And i wanted to apologise, but he said that if you legitimately hated me it would look more real. And im so sorry. Everything i said about you after that was his plan too." Jacob admits. Suddenly everything makes sense. Because our manager has been pushing me to say horrible stuff about Jacob too, stuff i never would've thought to say by myself. Stuff like he's a shitty dancer, or that he's ugly, which i don't think is true at all. He's gorgeous, from his dark brown eyes to his short ginger hair. Oliver has been behind every nasty word, just making us hate each other for profit. I'm so pissed at him! 

"But, what happened with the hairdresser? What was so  miscommunicated that my head was shaved?" Jacob sighs sadly. "I was trying to play a prank on you. I told him to 'get rid of all that blonde hair'. I assumed he understood that i wanted him to dye your hair a different colour! Not literally shave it." He says fidgeting with his fingers. That... makes sense. "That's still not great...." "I know. I'm sorry. I told you, I don't expect you to forgive me. I never wanted to hate you, nor wanted you to hate me. But I know I deserve all of it." It's at this moment I have to make a decision. Forgive him now, and begin mending our relationship, or remain annoyed. But I don't think I can keep the act up anymore. 

"I forgive you".

Jacob looks shocked. "I-uh, you- sorry what?" I smile. "I said, I forgive you." "You, didn't have to say that." I sigh. "Jacob I know I didn't have to say that. I said it anyway. And I'll  say it again. I. Forgive. You." Jacob's shocked expression breaks into a massive grin that stretches from each side of his face. It's hot. "I.... Wasn't expecting that" he says, brown eyes glinting happily. "We've both said things i think we regret. I'd rather focus on becoming friends again, rather than dwell in our hatred." When I say that, Jacob's face drops. "Right. Friends." I feel my heart sink. "Is...there a problem with that?" I say, smile also dropping from my face. Jacob looks extremely nervous. "I .... Was wondering...if you-"JACOB I SWEAR TO GOD, IF YOU DO NOT SPIT IT OUT" "Okay! I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

Holy shit, I didn't think this day could get better. "A..... date? Are you serious?" Jacob flinches as if im about to hit him. "I'm sorry, it was stupid, I'll just g-"I'd love to." Jacob looks even more shocked. "Sorry?" "I said, I would love to". Jacob just stares at me for a second. I roll my eyes. "Pick me up tomorrow evening, at seven, okay?" Jacob just blinks slowly and nods. I laugh. "Jacob shut your mouth, you're not doing yourself any favours. See you in five!" I say, grabbing my bag and leaving the studio. Once i get out, i quickly jump up and down in excitement. Jacob just asked me out!!!

Kyles POV

I've been getting more and more butterflies the more i talk to Jamie. We ordered drinks, and since the cafe was mostly empty they were finished making them quite quickly. The barista kept looking back and forth between us, and we took a couple photos with her. She was clearly new, as we've never seen her before. She was super excited to meet us, and made a video with us. It was fun, but i honestly just wanted to have my drink in peace. 

Once we sat down, i turned to Jamie. "So what was up with Jacob?".

Once he tells me, i tell him my side of the story. We laugh about it for a while, and i tell him how nice it was to have Jason talk kindly to me. After a while, i tell him im going to get a croissant. "Okay! Can you get me another coffee pleeeeease?" Jamie asks, giving me his best puppy eyes. I giggle. "You don't have to beg JJ, I'll get it for you" I say, flashing him my gappy smile. As i turn, I could've sworn his face goes red. I'm probably just reading into too much. As i walk up to the counter, the nice barista looks skittish again. 

"Hey, could i get a ham and cheese croissant and another flat white please?" "Of course!!!" She squeals, practically sprinting to get the food. She keeps looking up at me, as if im going to be mad if she takes a while. I smile at her. "You can take your time. We're not in any sort of rush y'know?" I say, trying to stop her from knocking something over. She looks up and nods, turning an embarrassed shade of red. 

When she comes back with my coffee, i thank her, and she looks behind me at Jamie. I look back. He's on his phone, waiting for me. "Sooooo... are you and Jamie on a date???" She whispers excitedly. I cant see my face, but i assume i look extremely shocked. I raise my eyebrows, and my eyes go wide. "......No?" I say, staring at her. I wasn't expecting to be asked that. She looks crestfallen. "Ah. Sorry, I'm just a massive Kymie shipper!" My expression doesn't change. Jamie told me what that meant. I mean, it is nice to know that millions of people believe that me and Jamie would be a cute couple, but still.... I'd rather people not try to poke into our personal lives.

"We're not on a date. Sorry." I say awkwardly, taking a glance back at him to see if he's hearing this conversation. We sat all the way in the corner, and it's quite a large cafe, so i don't think he did. "Sorry for asking" "It's okay!" I say, flashing her a smile, even though I dont feel very comfortable. "Do you guys come here often?" The barista asks, twirling her hair. "Uh, yeah, almost every day. The studios right next door, so..." i answer, looking for a way to leave the conversation. "Oh cool!" She lowers her voice to a whisper and asks "but seriously, would you ever date Jamie?" Uh. Somehow this conversation has gotten even more uncomfortable. I look down at my croissant and take a bite. "Um... Jamie probably wants his coffee by now, our breaks almost over." I say quickly, turning and walking over to Jamie. He looks up from his phone. "Ky, thank you!" "It's okay, JJ" i beam. He smiles back at me and takes a sip.

When 1:30 hits, we grab our stuff and leave. Heading back into the studio, I see Jacob and Jason quietly chatting in the corner. They both look ecstatic, apart from the fact that they keep side-eyeing Jeremy who is singing loudly and trying to attempt an Ariana Grande riff. I don't think I've ever seen Jason so happy. 

Hours later, me and Jamie drive home. Once we park, Jamie turns to me. "Do you want to have pizza and watch a movie in my room?" I grin at him. "I'd love to!"

KYMIE bc it is an unhealthy obsession of mine 😌Where stories live. Discover now