Everything's boring without you

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(This chapter is from Jamie's perspective, and the summary is that Jamie goes to rehearsals and is bored without Kyle)


When I get up the glass is cleaned and Kyle is passed out on the side of the couch. I'm guessing he probably got up after i went to sleep to clean it. I grab my blanket from my bedroom and drape it over him, tucking in the sides and smiling warmly at him. There's a small line of drool dripping down the side of his cheek, which I wipe away. 

He's adorable. I sigh. I need to stop thinking things like that. It's been a couple weeks since I've come to terms with the fact i love him, but if anything its just made it worse. The pining is hardcore, and it's so annoying, especially since he's never going to like me back (HE DOES YOU LIKE YOU, YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT). 

I walk over to the countertop and wonder what I should make for breakfast. We have instant pancake mix in the back. Kyle likes pancakes. I start making the batter, using the spatula to mix in the water. I add my special ingredient of ground cinnamon, and start heating the pan. 

"Jamie?". I turn around, smiling brightly. "Kyle! Good morning! I'm making pancakes, do you want me to add raspberries?" Kyle just nods. I grab the berries from the fridge and mix them in as Kyle gets up and makes a cup of tea (I really can't see him drinking coffee. Unless it's iced). "I don't feel great" Kyle admits, mixing honey into the tea. I glance at him. "Oh no! Do you think you should stay home?" I ask, concerned. "Were... we going to go somewhere today?" He questions, looking confused. "Ky, we have rehearsal today! Did you forget?" I respond, pouring the batter into the pan. "Oh. Yeah, i guess i did" he says, cheeks turning a dusty pink from embarrassment. 

"Yeah, i think it would be better if i stayed home." "Okay, I'll tell the others. Did you clean up that glass by yourself last night?" I query, gesturing towards the floor and flipping the pancake over. "Uh, yeah, i did." He replies taking a small sip from the mug. I sigh. "I did tell you it could wait till morning" i say, slipping the pancake into a plate and handing it to him. "I know. Thank you" he says taking the plate and walking over to take a seat. "You're welcome!"

Around an hour later, I've just left. I made sure Kyle went back to bed after he ate breakfast. I lock the door and go to my car, starting the engine. When i arrive at the studio, Jacob is standing outside, looking annoyed. "Hey Jacob, what's up?" I ask, studying his annoyed expression. "Ah finally, you're here. Wheres Kyle?" Jacob responds, looking either side of me, as if to check if Kyle is hiding behind me. "He was sick. Didn't want to come, so he's staying at home. Why are you waiting outside?" "Because SOMEONE got here before me and locked me out because he's still mad about a stupid prank i pulled on him MONTHS AGO" Jacob yelled, banging on the door. "JASON LET US IN". I sighed. "First things first, that prank was not stupid, you literally got his head shaved" Jacob just rolls his eyes and looks away. For a minute i thought i saw regret in his eyes, but i ignore it. "And second, i have the keys". Jacob looks mutinous. "Why do you have keys?!?!?! I DIDNT GET KEYS!!!". I just sigh and unlock the door.

Me and jacob are greeted by the sound of loud obnoxious singing. Jeremy is belting (badly) our top song at the top of his lungs, and Jason is sitting on a beanbag in the corner with headphones on. Looking up from his phone, he scowls, rolls his eyes and remains silent. I tap Jeremy's shoulder to stop him from singing, and ask him when the manager is going to be here. At that moment Oliver (manager)(yes i named him) walks in and tells us all to take a seat. 

Once my lunch break comes around, I am thoroughly fed up with Jacob and Jason's bickering, and Jeremy constant singing. I go next door to grab a coffee and a muffin. The barista recognises me, and we have a short chat about our newest song. I sit down to eat it and check my phone.  

3 new messages from ♥️ Kyle ♥️ 

This is Kyle and this is Jamie.

Heyyy     1:05 pm

I just woke up.   1:05 pm

How is rehearsal going?   1:06 pm

Mediocre at best   1:28 pm 

Jeremy is singing my ear off.  1:29 pm 

And its so boring without you 😭     1:29 pm 

Oh come on    1: 29 pm 

Surely its not that dull   1:29 pm 

Everything is boring without you   1:30 pm 

Especially rehearsal     1:30 pm

Awh. Come back home soon, i miss you     1:30 pm

I wish. I'm so sorry, I've gotta go, but ill text you when rehearsals are over!   1:31 pm

With that, i finish my muffin and make my way back to the studio. Talking with Kyle has improved my mood, so i put up with Jason yelling at Jacob because he screwed up a solo, and restrained myself for snapping at Jeremy when he said that 'If Kyle was any use he'd be here'. That comment really got my blood boiling. But i kept calm and just told him to shut up. He stopped after that and started loudly talking to Oliver about how he deserves the solo more then  any of us. 

Somehow all of us made it out of there alive, with only Jacob  sustaining minor injuries because Jason threw an encyclopaedia at him. As i get into my car, i take an extremely deep breath and check my phone. 

1 message from ♥️ Kyle ♥️ 

Ok! Have fun at rehearsals, I love you! ♥️ 

I know he says it all the time, but with that, i swear my heart skips a beat.

KYMIE bc it is an unhealthy obsession of mine 😌Where stories live. Discover now