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(IM TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, THIS IS ONE OF THE GAYEST FUCKING CHAPTERS I HAVE WRITTEN. Like, stop being oblivious you two and kiss. They're adorable. And completely stupid. Oh also, Kyle comes out to Jamie as gay, and Jamie comes out to him as bi)

Jamies POV

The minute we get inside, Kyle runs over to the cupboard and grabs the tin of popcorn kernels. I just stand and watch him. I could watch him run around and smile all day. Kyle looks up, catches me staring, and goes red. Probably from embarrassment. I stop staring and apologise. Kyle looks confused. "Jamie, im not upset because you're looking at me! Hell, I stare at you all the time!" He laughs, putting the bag of popcorn in a bowl and then into the microwave.

My face literally burns. Even though i cant see it, i could swear it's mimicking a beetroot. "I need to go to the bathroom" i say quickly, trying to stop him from seeing how flustered i just got. Looking in the bathroom mirror, i was correct. My face isn't red, but you can see dark pink showing clearly on my tanned cheeks. He didn't mean it like that. I know that. But it was still sweet. I wish... stop. Stop thinking like that. It's never going to happen. He gets visibly uncomfortable whenever anyone ships us, and probably doesn't even like men. I take a deep sigh, and walk out. 

Kyles making tea in the kitchen. The bowl of popcorn is on the bench, and i take a piece as i walk by. Kyle pouts at me. "Heyyy, don't eat it until we have the movie on!" I just laugh in response and eat another piece. I reach for another piece and he lightly whacks my hand. I fake cry for a couple seconds, and we break down laughing. 

"We need to order the pizza" i remind Kyle, nudging him in the side. "Oh yeah! What types do you want?" He asks, pulling out his phone.. "Pepperoni pizza and supreme pizza?." I respond, knowing how much he loves pepperoni. "Okay!"

15 minutes later, the pizza is here and we move all the stuff into my room, onto the bedside table. Kyle immediately gets under the covers and put his plate on top, snatching the remote from the end of my bed. I sit down next to him, looking over at him. "What should we watch?" He asks.

Kyles POV

Jamie looks thoughtful for a couple seconds before answering. "How 'bout a romcom?". Finally, something relatable. "Yeah sure!" I say, scrolling through the romantic comedy section of Netflix.  That's when I remember someone online talking about a gay romcom they saw recently. I think it was called.... Red white and royal blue? I think? "I saw someone suggesting a really good romcom online recently" I mention to Jamie tentatively. "Oh cool! Why don't we watch that?"

We sit watching the movie for a bit, and i notice that one of the actors is really attractive. Nowhere near as attractive as Jamie, but still.... I keep quiet for a bit before i speak up. "That guys really hot" i say, nonchalantly. I feel his gaze snap back to, and i feel small again. "Yeah?" "Yeah." I feel Jamie turn back to the television, and i feel anxious. I have no idea how he is gonna react. A couple more minutes go by.

"Y'know what? I agree. He's really fucking hot" Jamie laughs, taking a bite out of his pizza. I feel my anxiety fly away in a second and i turn to him. He gives me a glance and smiles at me. I'm so relieved that he's okay with it. "I mean, it's guys like this that are the reason im bisexual". I feel the room go silent, even though the television is still playing. Maybe... he's not just okay with it!"You're... bi?" I ask, trying not to let my excitement show. "Yeah" "Oh. Cool! Well im gay, so... yeah!"  I feel Jamie relax next to me. 

An hour and a half later and the movie ends. We put on a different one, and 10 minutes in i feel my eyes drooping. I'm so tired from rehearsal today, and i just want to sleep. I'm already leaning against Jamie, so i just let myself drift.

Jamies POV

I think Kyle's asleep. I place his plate on top of mine on the bedside table. I play with his hair absentmindedly while watching the movie, but after a while my eyes also feel heavy. I get ready for bed, without disturbing Kyle. I gently lift his head onto the pillow, and lie on the other side of the bed. My bed is quite large, so it doesn't really mean we're squished.

A couple hours later, I wake up in the middle of the night. I'm not sure how it happened, but me and Kyle are entwined, and his arms are around my waist. I attempt to seperate us, but he just tightens his grip and murmurs "stay". It's at this moment im very glad he cannot see my face, because it burns some shade of crimson. I rearrange my arms to be more comfortable, and settle down. I can feel him breathing, and it's comforting. I fall back asleep in no time.

KYMIE bc it is an unhealthy obsession of mine 😌Where stories live. Discover now