Honestly you two

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K so basically, Jamie is a simp, Jeremy goes ballistic at Kyle, and both gay idiots decide they are going to try to tell each other . Also, bits of Jascob, bc I am just as obsessed with them as I am with Kymie. Jeremy is a fucking cunt too, bc he's annoying and I dislike him 🤷 

 (I don't rlly know if I have any actual consistent readers, but If I do, I am so sorry I haven't been updating! School has been tiring, plus my friend has just gotten out of the hospital, so shits been wild)

Jamies POV

When I wake up, Kyle is still next to me, arms wrapped around me. I smile slightly. Another nightmare-less night. Kyles the best. His face is quite close to mine, but I don't feel uncomfortable. He shifts slightly, pulling me closer so that his lower face is somewhat pressed into my hair.I know my face is red, but I don't particularly care. He's not awake to see it, and I've sort of just accepted that I love him. I don't have to distance myself  from him because I'm in love.

Once upon a time, when I first realised I had a crush on him, I thought id just shut it out. Be quiet, don't make it obvious, and it will go away. But it never did. I loved him before his glow up, before our band went famous, before we even started making music. For years I denied it. The last time id told (more like they figured it out) someone I liked men I had been thrown out on the street and abandoned. I couldn't let it happen again. I was so scared id be kicked out of the band that I created, that I thought of, that I shut out my personality and pretended I was straight. 

But when Kymie started trending, no one was bothered. Everyone acted like it was just some other ship, and no one even said "no, they're both men". I mean, a few homophobes did, but they were in the minority. Most of our fans were all for it. Our band blew up even more, with so many queer people saying they felt represented. I felt so happy that no one was bothered, but considering that Kyle hadn't said a single thing about the ship besides expressing confusion, I wasn't sure he was even an ally, let alone more. 

But two nights ago.... He told me he was gay. And that was the best moment of my day. To think that I might... have the slimmest possibility of a chance with him... well, he's the last person I really have. I don't talk to my parents, for obvious reasons, and my lesbian aunties died in a car crash when I was in college. All my other relatives were turned against me by my parents, so I have no one. No one but him. I asked him a couple weeks ago if he was looking for a relationship, and...

"Hey Ky" I said, my hands in my pockets as I slump onto the sofa next to him. A arm is immediately placed around my shoulders, pulling me closer, and it's comforting. "Hey Jamie!" He says cheerily. I lean into him, and we sit in silence for a few minutes, watching the videos on his for you page. After a while, we come across a woman talking about how she thinks we would be the best couple for x y and z reasons. I half expect him to scroll, but he watches the thing from beginning to end, and likes it. I don't mention it to him. A couple seconds later, I speak up. "Kyle?" "Hm?" "Are you looking for a relationship right now?" "Eh..... not actively. But I mean, if someone asked me out, id probably say yes." "Any person?" "Well... maybe not any person. The right person.". I leave it at that, and he goes back to scrolling.

It's a fond memory. I... should probably tell him soon. He deserves to know the truth, and Ive hidden it for long enough. Kyles stirs, and I know he's woken up now.  He moves slightly, and I feel disappointed at the loss of contact. He yawns, loudly and I giggle slightly. I feel him look over at me, and I open my eyes. 

God he's gorgeous. His curly messy bed hair is so hot, and his cheeks are a light pink, bringing out his freckles. His green eyes sparkle from the light of the bedside table lamp that we forgot to turn off. You can see smile lines tracing his pretty pink lips. (SIR YOU ARE DOWN BAD). He yawns again, turning his head so that I don't get hit in the face with morning breath, and wipes the sleep from the sides of his eyes. 

KYMIE bc it is an unhealthy obsession of mine 😌Where stories live. Discover now