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(K so basically they go ice skating and are super cute. Also they have a movie date at the cinemas. Not actual date, but it's basically that. Then they get chased after by paparazzi and go home. Oh yeah, Jamie also basically trauma dumps on Kyle and thats why they go to the ice rink) (School has been rlly exhausting, so chapters are gonna come out a little slower, okay? This is one of the longer chapters, so it will take me extra long to write)

Jamies POV

When i wake up, Kyle is no longer in my arms. I'm disappointed, but i understand that he probably woke up and felt uncomfortable. I feel cold without him here. I roll onto my back. I think he's up. I can hear singing from the kitchen. Knowing him, he's probably attempting to make breakfast for me. The last time he did that, he almost set the water on fire and spilled the pancake mix all over the floor. He's clumsy, but I don't care.

His singing is nice. Kyle is singing red by taylor swift, and he's amazing. I know why Jeremy insults his singing voice. It's because the only thing he has going for him is that he's the best singer, when in reality Kyle is so much better. I could listen to him all morning. However, the golden morning light is shining through my useless curtains, and i can ignore it no longer. I groan, and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I stretch, yawning loudly, and head over to the bathroom, splashing my face with water. 

I head out of my bedroom. As suspected, Kyle is making breakfast. It does look and smell quite good though. He looks up and notices me. "Morning!" He says, giving me a huge smile that shows the gap in his teeth. He's adorable. I smile back "Heyyy!" I respond, swiping my hair away from my face so it doesn't get in my eyes. "Your singing sounded really good" i say, taking a seat at the bench we have in our kitchen. Kyle goes red. 

"You heard that?" "I hear you every morning Kyle." His freckled face goes a shade darker. "Oh" he says awkwardly, clearly embarrassed. "It's amazing! Honestly, you're the best singer in the band." "Oh come on, I can't be the most attractive and the best singer" Kyle laughs, referring to all the fans going wild over his 'glow up'. I always found him really attractive, and I'm not sure how the fans didn't see it earlier. "I think you are, seriously." Kyle goes red again, blushing furiously. "Oh come on, im definitely not the most attractive!" "Then who do you think it is?!" I laugh, not expecting the reply he gives. "It's clearly you! I don't see why all the fans say I'm the hottest?" I feel my face burn and i hide it it my hands. "Stawpppp, thats not trueee" "Yes it is! You're gorgeous and I'm just a scrawny freckled nerd!" "Yeah, but a very cute scrawny nerd!" 

We're both laughing hard right now, but I am aware that my face is probably a dark shade of pink. However when I look at him, his is too. Maybe he.... No! Stop! He'll never like you back! He's not even... wait. He does like men though. He told me last night that he was gay. Maybe if I ask him out... No! He constantly denies that we're anything more then friends whenever anyone asks about us! You do too, and you're desperately in love with him. Huh. That's true. 

I was just wondering if Kyle was going to mention us cuddling when he speaks up. "So! Last night was fun!" He says, taking the waffles out of the waffle maker, and placing them on a plate. "Uh yeah! It was great!" I answer, watching as he removes a tray of bacon from the oven. "I'm sorry I sorta fell asleep on you though" Kyle says cheerily scraping the crispy bacon onto the tray. "Oh it's fine! Don't worry about it" " I know, but I feel kinda bad about it. Like, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." 

I feel surprised that he's considering whether I'm uncomfortable, while I was considering if he was. "Nah. Honestly, it was kinda comforting having you there" I say nonchalantly, trying not to give away just how much I enjoyed it. He hasn't brought up the cuddling yet, just the fact that we slept in the same bed. Maybe he doesn't know? We probably broke apart before he woke up. That thought somewhat calms my nerves. Kyle giggles. "I guess I should sleep in your bed more often!". "Well, I wont complain. Having you here keeps the nightmares away" I admit, laughing. Kyles face drops. "Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you what those nightmares are about. You gave me an answer a few nights ago, but it didn't seem genuine." 

KYMIE bc it is an unhealthy obsession of mine 😌Where stories live. Discover now