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The girl, Calypso, turned towards me. "Piper, right?", I nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back, "Truth or dare?". I thought for literally 10 minutes when finally Leo coughed ,"C'mon Pipes. Let's get this show on the road!", he complained. "Truth", I decided. "Tell me your favorite thing and your least favorite thing about every single person here, but also about Hazel and Travis."
Well this is gonna get me a death warrant but oh well truth is hard but it's the truth.
"So...", I'll start out with my boyfriend then go to his right which just so happens to be Leo. "Well I love everything about Jason but he's so rarely just go do what you want. He's always follow the rules...blah blah blah", the Romans all looked offended. Oh well.
"Leo, hmmm, well I love how he's so uh how do I put this, Leo-like. Like how he always makes us laugh and how he is always energetic and usually happy and has a smile on at all times. I don't like how he just randomly bursts into flames. It scares the schist out of me." At this Percy and Frank start cracking up. "What's so funny guys?", I asked. "You'd have to have gone on the quest to understand".
As soon as the laughs die down I turn to the next person who is Calypso, "I like that you first are so nice even though we like just met you and how you have a beautiful smile and how you bring out the best in Leo. Trust me he needs it.", she snorted, "I don't like that I just met you though. Maybe all the girls can go shopping sometime to get to know you better?", She nodded and said she'd like that.
I turned to the next person who is Frank. I decided to do Frank then Hazel. "I love how Frank is just so awesome and can turn into animals and stuff. I love how he's nervous but excited at the same time. I don't like how Roman he is, you know, but also how he'll never turn into a pink poodle for me when I want to feel close to my old pink poodle." Percy gasped and said, "I don't want to say hi to the poodle." Annabeth just sighed, "Percy, get over having to say hello to the poodle, okay?"
I turned to Calypso and said I'd be doing Hazel. "Ok so um I loved how she was always flabbergasted about the new technology. And how she acted with childish joy when introduced to something new. I don't like, of course, how she um", I coughed, "cheated. But also how she always no matter what we try acts so old fashioned. I mean you try to get her in a very flattering dress and she almost faints saying 'that's too flashy and shows so much skin and blah blah blah'." Everybody kinda looked shocked about how I would talk about her, but I don't care. She hurt one of my best friends.
"Ok so who's next", I looked and it was Reyna. Oh gods help me. "Let's see, Reyna. Um. I like how well you lead your camp and how nice you were towards the Greeks in the war even though a lot of the Romans believed Octavian", I thought I heard Percy whisper something like 'I will never forgive him for killing Perry' I don't know what that was about, "Anyway also how well you accepted me and Jason as a couple. And I just absolutely love how we've established a sibling-like bond. I hope we can make it stronger.", I said and she smiled and nodded at me. "As far as least favorite thing about you...I think that would have to be how you are so secretive.", she started to object but I cut off her objection, "Like how whenever I ask you about your past you quickly change the subject to my past. And I almost always answer your questions about my past. I get that you might've had a bad past but most demigods do, especially the powerful ones." She looked down knowing I was right.
I turned to Katie who was right next to her. "Katie, I like how you have so much joy in what you do. How you love the people in your cabin like actual siblings. I can tell your mother loves you just as much as your siblings, especially your little sister. What was her name again?", I was talking about her new little sibling, who was at age five when she crossed over the border. Katie said, "Her name is Ashley, but we call her Ash". Oh yeah, Ash is a very sweet little girl with a bad past, like most demigods. "Right, well they all adore you. You're just a likable person. Now for what I dislike about you. Um well I guess there really isn't anything that I don't like about you. Except for that one outfit of yours, the one with a bunch of flowers on it, I mean it's not bad but it's not my favorite." Everyone snorted at my dislike. I heard Leo mutter 'Only you Beauty Queen only you'.
"I'm going to do Travis now. Reyna and Katie got angry looks but didn't protest seeing as how I was required to. "Well um I like how he was compassionate towards Katie and I'm sure Reyna too, but hint I said was. Of course I hate him for what he did to you. As a child of Aphrodite I should be into breakups apparently, but I despise breakups." For some reason Jason looked nervous when I said that. Oh well I'll figure it out later. Enough of Travis. I can already tell everyone, including his own brother, are done talking about him. Wether it was bad or not. He made a bad choice and had to pay the price. And one of those prices and he definitely had multiple was losing two very good girls.
"Connor, I like how I know who you like but since someone WAS already dating her, you respected that and just was her friend even though it hurt you. Also since she's single you should ask her out soon.", I winked at him while he was blushing and everyone looked confused. I think some people thought it was me but I was still dating someone...so it couldn't be me. "I don't like how you always pull pranks on me. Like that one time when I was sleeping and you painted my face. It might've been funny afterwards when I chased into the lake. But it was not cool waking up to a pink, yellow, orange, blue, purple, green, and black face." He had the decency to act ashamed even though I could tell he was silently laughing.
I looked who was next. Yay, Percy. "Percy I love how you have so much childish joy. And how you can be so determined especially when it comes to your friends. Speaking of friends, I love how you would do anything for them. I love that kind of dedication. Also I love how you can be so romantic with Annabeth.Gee thanks mom for that one. "I basically love you. Not in that way. You're like the brother I never had. I can tell you anything." He gave me a hug. "Which is why when I tell you this, you can't get mad", he looked scared but nodded, "I know no one has told you this for fear of hurting your feelings", Annabeth looked like she knew what I was gonna say and she looked grateful, "But you are awful at singing." He calmed down. "Really that's what you don't like about me? I know I suck at singing. Like if I turned up at American Idol they would laugh at me." Everyone was grinning. Annabeth laughed.
"Annabeth,I love how you can put up with Percy even though he's an idiot", he looked offended than cracked up, "Also how you guys are supposed to be mortal enemies but you found a way around that. I mean you guys are so adorable together. I love how you were one of the only people who welcomed me with open arms when I first came to Camp. I also love how you're like a sister to me. No offense, I know you're a daughter of Athena and all but I hate how you spout random facts. I mean I'm fine sometimes but when you spout it out at the most awful time, that just drives me insane." Annabeth looked kinda angry than was fine. I know she's heard that before.
There was a knock and Percy got up to get it. In walked Chris, who immediately apologized for being late and sat next to Clarisse. We all assured him it's fine. Then we updated him on the truths, dares, breakups, and new people.
"Chris, I guess I'll do you next. I like how you bring out the best in Clarisse. Some people think that she's just another child of Ares who can't love absolutely anything. It drives me nuts. She loves you, and Chuck Norris. And the rest of her cabin, you know.", everyone but Clarisse nodded and Chris took her hand which I found ADORABLE! "Um...let's see I don't like how you're kinda unstable. Ever since that thing like last year in the labyrinth, you've been kinda unpredictable." Everyone, including him, nodded. "I do do that", he admitted and Clarisse grasped his hand harder.
"Clarisse I love how much you love. Like when Chris first showed up I heard that you took care of him until he showed certain signs of recovery. Also Chuck Norris, you act like he's like your own kid or something. I don't like how, seeing as you're a child of Ares, have such violent tendencies. Like I'll be gardening or something peaceful when all of a sudden here you come like destroying my garden." She looked embarrassed. She should. She destroyed my tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, apples, carrots, peas, and corn. All at one time. It took forever rebuilding that garden.
"Will, you are one of the best people I know. You are awesome at healing. I mean the best", it grew very hot and the sky dimmed signaling that I just made Apollo ticked, "Besides Apollo, that is", I added hastily. Everyone nodded clearly noticing Apollo's mood. "You are an okay singer. But no offense, you are an awful archer. But that's fine, not all of Apollo's children are good at even two of these things.", he nodded saying he knew what I meant. "But you are a very strict doctor, like that one time when I sprained my ankle and after a week it felt fine but you enforced your policy of patients not getting out of bed for a month. I mean seriously, it was just a sprain.", he looked embarrassed.
"Nico...", hmmmm, what should I say about Nico? "Well, I like how determined you can be. Like getting the Athena Parthenos back to Camp so as to heal the rift between the two Camps. Also how you told us that you were... not straight. That took a lot of guts and I'm glad someone here has the guts for something like that.", all the guys started to protest and I was just like, "So if you were born in like the 1930's and you were taught that being different was purely AWFUL, and you were different, you would be able to confess your feelings not knowing what your friends will think of you?", that shut them all up very quickly. I smiled and Nico looked kinda surprised that I stuck up for him. I winked at him and he smiled. "I don't like the deadly aura around you. I mean I get that you are a child of Hades and all but can't you tone it down?", he looked down embarrassed. I sat down glad that my truth was FINALLY done.

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