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It's okay if you are thinking too much about the same situation over anger over again like what else I could have done.. don't ever think that you made a wrong decision...it will break u from inside or be a pain which is incurable.

Few days after everything was going well and fine then I become friends with another person Naomi.. she entered the class quietly I was waiting, so I didnt notice her suddenly she said "excuse me"I was alone in the class so l got scared so I was going to fall from the bench but she held
my hand "uh..thanks?" it felt like time has stopped or like a drama scene but we felt uncomfortable so she said "ah it's fine" she pulled me then left my hand "did I scared you?" she asked with a worried look "a bit but it's fine"I smiled and asked "how about you? Are you new here?" She smiled and reply "yeah is it room no. B24?"she asked oh I was also ones in the same condition "yes...it might be difficult to find this room, right?" I chuckled.

"yeah because..there is no sign board" (both said at the same time) "and I was searching it for a while" she said "oh I didnt get your name?" I asked late but didn't forget "Naomi..and you" she asked "myself Abby welcome to our class" we continued with small talk like from which school you calmed here etc.
and after that day we became good friend all four of us. But my happiness didn't exist for too long like l am cursed or something and I actually don't know lam happy or just pretending nowhere days...

One day four of us were talking with our 3 classmate Cade, Rylan and Jada whom I met during my first field trip before coming to this collage I never gone to any field trip and I thought, I would not go to any in this whole life... "Abby did you heard?" Jada asked "what?" I asked curiously "a new student has transfer from your school to here" he said and my smile fades I am afraid that if it's him no no Abby be positive "what happened Abby? you don't seem to be happy?" Dorothy asked "no actually my previous school experience was not good" I said with a fake smile and asked "who is she?"

"it's not she this time it's he... he said and my fear was again taking my
strength didn't know his name but he is in engineering faculty" Jada said and I took a relief breath oh thank god he is not of our faculty class butthen from the comer of my eye I saw his face whom I don't want to see after that day..Devon.. we had an eye contact which made me remember again that painful day when we met for the first time. "Abby are you ok?" Naomi asked "yes what will have happened to me let's change the topic,tell me that what you have bought for lunch?" I started a new topic and every started telling their opinions but now my mind is diverted into Something else.

After that we used to see each other in hall ways, grounds, cafeteria
dispersal etc. some time he used to come to the class which made me
uncomfortable to see him everywhere because I have to ignore him and after coming here he has a girlfriend of his own faculty which hurts but it's ok he is happy that enough for me... but again my focus was distracted but not like that time sol could manage after all l am not same me anymore. one day at games we were sitting as usual but then there was a fight between commerce faculty and engineering faculty and Cade was targeted to put the blame by engineering teacher because he was holding Devon collar..could be a coincidence let's see how many coincidence could happen in last two years

Today is fresher party for first year student so we all preparation At the time of lunch all were doing lunch or reaming here or there, and I had a perfect time to take a nap so l was just lying down and was going to close my eyes then "Abby why don't you come join us for lunch" Ivy said...my movement became our movement it's been a while since I ate with new people and I think l am now good at adjusting..."hey Abby you are again lost in own thoughts" Dorothy said "no I was just thinking about something"I replied with a smile "you always zone out are you thinking about someone special" she said and smirk question was indirect but I know what she meant..."stop it! She is irritated with this question" Naomi said "no it's fine" I said with a smile again so tell me who is the lucky one?" Ivy asked

"actually I- " I was going to say but I was interrupted by Jada and Rylan "hey guys" they both said "hi" we all replied "ah you have interrupted one major question's answer which I was thinking for so long" lvy said with a dramatic cry "oh did we miss something?" Rylan asked confusingly "no she was just messing with Abby nothing else" Dorothy said "oh ho no no dont mess with her she seems quite but you don't want to see her anger" Jada said and in the end smiled I was a little surprised first but he is just like other... "no I don't think so" Naomi said "yeah she never get angry" Dorothy also supported Naomi I think fake personality is better to make friends but always felt like they should like me as the way l am not what I show... but if I won't show how will they know we are not in a scripted drama so they will know automatically.. I wish we were so there might be a happy or sad ending but it would have just ended up.

"Abby?" Rylan said "oh she again zone ut" Ivy said "wait...what you said?" l asked nothing" Ivy said and left "what happened to her?" She asked "dont know" Dorothy said and everyone shook their head that they also don't know. I was sitting with Cade and we were discussing our courses and the he started talking to his girlfriend, Alyssa so I just started sleeping then after sometime I felt thirst so I raise my head and at the same time I don't know Cade also turned towards me at the exact same time when I turned around to take bottle so our eyes met and we looked in each other eyes for a while then suddenly Devon entered the class and the eyes contact broke and l put my head down again and he also opened his notes I think he got me wrong again but why do l care now right?...

After sometime I was talking to my friends and those three too so
eating the food which was given to us for today's hard work Jada asked
"would you take this drink?" I replied "sure I haven't drink this drink for a while" he looked surprised to me "when was the last time you had" he asked "been like 4 or 5 years I will drink it" I said and drunk it "it has too much sugar in it" he said "I am not a diabetes patient so, it's ok" I replied "ok as you wish" he and Rylan chucked I felt first time that I was the centre of attention it felt good...now... after sometime I was little lazy because wasn't sitting at the end so I asked "Jada can you plz throw this in the trash bin?" he started thinking "no I won't" he said and I blew a bubble with my face due to anger "what happened?" Rylan asked.

"he is not throwing this" I said and pointed at Jada "I am also eating" he
said "I said just to throw it" I said and again made bubble "aw why are you making the baby anger" he said; took the garbage and threw it "see this was so easy" he said and smiled at me "thank you" I also smiled "ok now I have become the bad one" Jada said "you were always you just know today" Ivy said and everyone laughed "oh thank you now from you Ihave to know how am I" they stared arguing, everything solved but I saw with my corner of the eye that some was is watching us and it was...Devon....he know he might be really angry but I shouldn't care like I didn't before...

After sometime boys left and we mean our squad was chit chatting with each other and when I was alone or no I was talking with one of my classmate, Megan and then Devon entered the class then, Jada and Rylan entered and come to me and Jada asked "what is your relation with Devon?" by his sudden question I was shocked but I know I have to answer this question one day...

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