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START is something that everyone has been doing several times but not every START successful and not every START fell apart...but as well know starting is not hard but keeping that spirt up till the last is hard...every START make me more and more weak but I put a smile on my every START...but can I face my FEAR...

"Naomi?!" I said and at the same time she said "Abby?!" we both hugged each other and started dancing like idiots "what happened to them?" 3rd roommate said "they are cute...aren't they?" Eliza said and the other one gave her a weird look "sorry hello myself Abby and you" I said "hello myself Cora" she moved her hand and I responded with a hand shake "oh Eliza? Right" I said "oh finally your memory power has increased" I looked at her with shock, how did she know I have a weak memory power she realised what she said "oh my brother also have same kind of problem" she said; laughed out and we shuck our head like we understand her joke "so let me unpack my stuff" I said and took my suit case and started arranging my stuff and every one helped me, it all felt like a dream to me living in a hostel and I think I can study and do other thing without any stress of my parents when that day I attended my class "hey I heard that you are living at hostel now" Dorothy asked "yeah and..." I putted my left hand on Naomi's shoulder and said "not great thing in that we are roommate now" Ivy asked you

"you guys are late" Ivy said to them (Cade, Rylan, Megan, Jada, Alyssa) "we were on time just someone forgot something" Jada said and looked at Alyssa "don't look at me it was important" she said there was light-hearted discussion between them then we all went inside that restaurant and took a large table everyone was giving their orders we even took 9 bottle of soju one for one person, the environment was joyful and nice then Dorothy stood up and said "this cup is a for celebration of Abby and Naomi to get the room in the university dorm cheers" she said and every on cheers their cup of soju together and drunk I turned back "hey don't make us feel old" Cade said "not it's just a habit" I said and drunk in front of them "yeah I am also younger but I never turn like this" Dorothy said "oh it's because you don't respect your elders" Rylan said and laughed out "oh plz you don't need respect" Megan said and then Ivy also supported her "are you 60 years old? Maybe that's why you are always anger because you have gone out of your mind" she said and every one laughed out "oh Ivy you won't get good blessing" he said there was again light hearted discussion

Then Alyssa said "let's play a game, if you have then you will drink and if you haven't the you won't drink" everyone agreed and got excited "I will ask first" Alyssa said but Jada objected "why?" she replied "why not?" then Cade said "let her ask first Jada you can ask second" then Jada started making faces "you are so changed Cade after..." Cade looked at him "did you said something?" he shaked his head in no "but I heard something" Megan said but Jada closed her mouth and she bit his hand "ah that hurts" he screamed "then who said to close my mouth" then Alyssa said immediately "okay let ignore them and start the game first have you ever had a crush on anyone" she said and I, Cade, Alyssa, Rylan drank "who you had crush Abby?" Jada and I said "the game is to answer have I or not nothing else" he again made faces "this damn rules" he said and everyone laughed out then the game continued Jada asked "have you ever bunked tuition for fun" again I, Cade, Alyssa, Rylan, Jada, and Ivy drank at last my question "Have you ever felt regret what you had done in the past and get a chance then will you go and change it"

everyone was drunk but not me "you won't? why?" Dorothy asked "because if I change my past then my future will also affected which I don't want and pastbis past, it won't decide what I am going to be in future? Right?" I said and everyone agreed with me "excuse me, I am going to restroom" I said to Naomi and she nodded, after some time I came back "I am gonna leave now" I took my bag and gave the half bill "where are you going?" Naomi asked but I already left "hey that's rude" Alyssa said "it might be urgent" Dorothy said and they continued their party; I came back at 5 am in the morning in the doom "where were you Abby uni?" Eliza asked "oh I thought that everyone might have their morning class" I said and came inside "I don't have class till 8 or 9" she said and settle down on her bed "oh nice ah..." I said and slept on my bed "is your hang over is still not over" she said with a worried look "just a little headache" I said, put my hand on my head "here" she gave me the hangover soup "no no its fine" I said but she gave the soup on my hand.

"drink it and take some rest, I am going to pick my friend and if you need anything, I will get it on the way back" she said and took her bag and left and I got up someone is worried about me, this feeling is so nice, reminds me of someone too then I looked at her desk where there was some pills of headache and a note written "please take the pills if required and get well soon Abby" I read that and smiled "oh kids of nowhere days, acting like elders" I saw her schedule where there was class but she didn't gone she had class but she didn't gone why did she had done this... Time flew away like wind and I didn't realize when this year came to an end now it time to prepare some fun party for seniors who will leave this university... all the faculty student were have to prepare dance together but the dance was biased toward the dancer "ok so, I have changed the song so now-" everyone was making faces "oh again" Cora said and the four of us agreed "I know this is for the 4th time" this was Linda "yeah and I won't lie if I said that I don't want to do it anymore" and this is Eve "yeah and I heard that the juniors have already prepared the dance step" I said and everyone agreed

"listen everyone!!" she screamed (this is Deena) just the opposite of her name, she should be a good Judge... she is self-confused and make other confused too, and more bad she is bias she has made her friend in the centre of attraction and she thinks that we are idiot who won't see this she told us the step and said us to practice in another room there was another girl (Hannah) with us who was teaching us what are the step, I memorized already so, I want to pass the time. I saw the benches was arranged in the line so I started waking on them like par core by watching me two girls also joined me, their names were Mia and Lexi and we introduced each other and I became friends with them for more knowing people in dance because there was rarely any from my faculty just Megan, then on the other day we were doing the dance step and one girl (Bency she was the one who came from my school) can't do that step after so much practice "hey Abby" Lexi said "Yes..." I replied "can you be my partner?" she asked, I started smiling because I have to say no "but we already have partners?" I said

"but she can't do a simple step that's so annoying" Lexi said and Mia
supported her "yes because of her my dance also got disturbed", I was still smiling because I was already comfortable whom I was with "actu-" Eve interrupted "no I won't change with her she dances good" she said they went back; ok now I won't have to change actually this is because of much practice I did to improve myself then on the very next day again song was changed and they were taking Joy out of her second group (only her friends group) and who will be on her place so, I raised my hand "can you do
this dance Abby might be tough?" our mam/class teacher asked "yes I
can" I was confident because I used to do this kind of dance at home for
fitness "but then I should see her dance first" I raised my eyebrows "but when did you took test of others? I didn't saw" mam asked and I already know that she only want her friends in that group so she was making excuses "I already saw their dance but I didn't saw hers so..." mam gave her a look so she took a deep breath and "you can join the second group" she said and I smiled

"hey Alice, teach her the steps" she said and gave me an angry look but I
didn't care we went to the next room where I was learning the step, I was
little slow learner so I was trying to memorized the step and I was feeling uncomfortable with the boy's commentary over our dance, I wish I could beat them to death but I was controlling my anger and said "I have memorized the step so, I will practice at home" she said "ok, no problem" but her face was looking like she had problem but I ignored it, I even had a neck pain but still I was trying to do the step on the time and after probably 10 or 12 time; I could do it on time then I took some rest and on the very next day I get to know that I am out of that dance...

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