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Passion is something which we enjoy doing and do it even it's tough. A Person without Passion is like being Dead... My passion is that I like doing that even when My Emotion is over flowing like Dance... but when the Passion become something to attract people then it dies there... Passion is not meant to Show off

"hey do you know; you are out of the second group dance" Megan said, made me confesed "wait?! what!" she replied "I don't know, I heard that...from someone" she said and my anger was growling "that was enough!! I am going to conform" I said and went straight to Alice "hey can I ask you something?" I asked to Alice "sure?" she said and I got to the point "am I out of the dance" she nodded "not from the whole dance, you will be in the first dance and Nora (another dance mate) will be replaced from Deena because she will on the round (management) and Grace will replace you" she said and went to dance practice but my anger was still burning, so I went to mam/class teacher "mam I am out of the second dance" I asked "when?" she was confused too "I also heard from others that I am out but no one told
me directly" I said while controlling my anger "ok I will talk" she said and ones I thought that I will stay in dance but then in the next time my hopes were broken in front of me

"Deena how could you take a kid out of the dance without even telling her" what the hell is mam saying "oh I am not taking her out of the whole dance, I am just shifting her from 2 group to 1 group and sorry for not telling you before" she said with an evil smile "ok, can you do dance in 1 group Abby" mam said but what the hell just happened  you are a teacher or you are taking her advice like uhhh... I nodded and went back to the place which was my "no worry you will not get out from here I promise" Lexi said to comfort me, then we again started practicing, next day all the boys including Devon who were doing nothing they were sent in this room only I was not ok with it again I told it to mam but the situation was not supporting me this time...so we continued dancing, they were commenting and giving me sigh to come there which irritating me so, again told mam about this so, mam took all their phones as a punishment

we also had a partner dance in which the person who was next to us have to dance together, I had learnt it but Mia could not understand how to do we were teaching her but then Edward came to us "hey have you learn the partner dance" asked us "yes I already know that dance" Lexi said confidently "oh ok then show me" Edward said and they did easily "hey did you learn it or it will take you whole day" he said to me "you!! are challenging me? uh?" I said and pointed my finger towards him "yes so let do it together then" I smiled and said "sure" I was confident because I have done it many times till now but then my confidence was down when I did 3 mistakes in the row "this boom was blown away from the start" I was irritated with his words "just go and dance with your partner, go!!" I said and turned around "what about you Mia?" he asked "oh I haven't learnt yet" she replied and he went back while waving "ah!! Let's do it again" I said and I did it again with Lexi and I did well "you did good now? What happened that time" she asked me "don't know" but that thought was revoluting in my mind I am thinking the same thing...am I nervous? Or something AH!! That was embarrassing

the next day I decided I won't be in the dance anymore not because of
Devon but because of Deena, her Disrespect towards my Passion with her friends group who were showing off their dance in every practice. I can't take it anymore so I didn't come to dance the very next day, I even told to my class mate that this happened Alyssa and Megan were totally on my side that I should get the chance to dance in that group so, they decided to speak for me but I stopped them and said my point of view "where my passion is not respected I don't dance there" I said but still they said that in the class and one thing that mam said and I felt bad was "you do BACKBITING behind me and you even agreed to dance in the 1 group? didn't you?" I replied "what is fact, is fact it couldn't be changed" she asked again "can you dance better than them" I was going to say but then Alyssa said "why she is replaced with Grace, she could dance better than her" she said what I wanted to say for so long but I didn't want to dance anymore

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