Part 4

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Kota's POV

Something was up, I just knew it. MY suspicion was correct as I walked into the kitchen quietly, taking in the fact that Sang looked about ready to cry, and my mom just finished with saying something. Confused I stayed quiet waiting to hear Sang's answer. What I hear more shocks me senseless and leaves me really confused.

"No! Y-you cant I mean. They d-don't really like people." Her voice cracks from fright. What has scared her that badly? Is she okay? What were they talking abut before I walked in? I really hope that Sang is okay...

My mother looks at me and questioningly. I send her a look that says 'I don't know'. "Oh. Well okay. We can just eat the cookies here I guess." She says sadly. Looking at Sang, I silently ask her what is wrong. She flushes red, and shakes her head. I can see that she's trying not to cry. She looks so beautiful, even in tears.

"I'm sorry. My mom must worry about where I am. I didn't mean to cause any problems. It was nice meeting you Erica, Kota tell Victor my greatest apologies for confusing him this morning. Thank you. Goodbye." Wait, she's leaving?

"Wait!" I stand there shocked for a little bit before I realize that she will probably avoid us now. Then I will most likely never see her again. No! That can't happen, I already like her too much. I hear Victor in the living room talking to her, and I rush out ready to stop her. Then I see that she is already walking out the door and down the driveway. She finally slows, and comes to a complete stop in the middle of the street.

"Its better for me to just leave. Thank you for your help Kota. I don't think I should see you guys anymore." I knew it! She never wanted to see us again. She turns around quickly, and lets out a small whimper at what she sees at her house. What could be so bad that a strong girl like that could make cry?

Victor says confusingly, "Sang?..." That's when she glances her tear streaked face back at us, and I can swear, her eyes lose all hope and she look tired and defeated. Uh oh. What's going on with this beautiful angel? Will I ever know? Or ever see her again? Of course I will, I will stop at nothing to keep her safe although I just met her.

"Goodbye." Sang says and bolts toward that house leaving us in the middle of the street. Oh how much I wish I could make her smile right now, to take her back home and tell her everything will be okay. She doesn't look back as she steps over the threshold and quietly closes the door. Glancing at Victor, I see the same star struck gaze on his face as is on mine, and he's known her for less time too. Who couldn't like her? She is special and I will somehow tell that to her someday.

Facing my friend entirely, I ask and important question.

"What should we do?" He comes out of his daze and stares at my with thought.

"I don't know yet. She looks so happy one minute and so broken the next. I like her, but she seems to scared to let anyone in." I swallow his words and think a while, both of us standing in the middle of the street. Considering options, I decide to keep things low for now until we can talk to her again.

"I don't think we should tell our brothers right now. I don't think they would understand without meeting with her in person." I say confidently, but adding, "We are doing background checks on the whole Sorenson family though" At the look of anger on his face. He looks partially relived that we get to at least do something that might help in the long run. I bet that I look just the same as well.

Please just say that Sang is okay. I just met her, but I believe she is special, and just then did we move out of the street and back into the house to have breakfast. Mom will be sad that Sang didn't join us, but I have a feeling that they will be fine sooner or later.

Sang's POV

When I'm awake its much later, but still light outside. Looking at the clock on my radio, I am shocked to see that its still morning. Wait? It feels like I've been asleep for a long time, how could it still be early. The blood from before is dried already. Whoops. Looking once more I notice that its the next day.

I missed a whole day? Did anyone come up here looking for me? Of course not, why would they. They don't care about me. Sighing, I make my way so my closet and pick out a soft fitting pair of shorts, and a stripped shirt that is loose so it doesn't rub on my new injuries.

Backing out of my room and into the bathroom down the hall, I look out for signs of my family not wanting to see them right now. I make it into the bathroom without anybody seeing me, and start undressing.

Although its early, I want to go in the woods and explore like I was going to do yesterday. Getting into the shower, I quickly do my hair, shave, and clean my body in under 7 minutes. I step out and put on the conferrable clothes I picked out. Faster then I thought I could do with my injuries, I run down the stairs and out the backdoor without anyone stopping me.

I make my way towards that path that starts the beginning of the woods. Following the path, I look out for things that catch my eyes. I come across a big looking tree, and come to the decision to climb it. Half way up I hear twigs snapping, alerting me that someone is coming. Racing up the tree before the person sees me, I end up scraping my arm on a limb sticking out. Finally covered so the stranger wont see me, I look below me and onto the path to see the person walking down.

When I finally see the person, my breath goes away. He was gorgeous! Oh my god. I catch my breath, but stumble a little on the branch I'm standing on. This makes the man look up and I try and duck out of the way so he cant see me. Fortunately, it works a little even though he knows someone is up in the tree anyway.

"Who's there?" His deep voice demands. Instead of answering, I just sink farther backwards into the tree. I'm scared to think about what that man would do to me if he knew I was watching him. He was buff! He's still standing there, waiting for an answer after a few seconds. What do I do? I don't want to get in trouble again.

"Hello? Are you okay? Do you need help?" He fires at the tree quickly, while getting closer to the base of it. I watch him with wide eyes as he climbs the tree with such agility, a football player would be jealous. Faster then I could process, he stands before me, balancing on the branch and staring at me worryingly.

I frown. How come the three people I met in two days are all caring and beautiful? His head reels at the frown, and I quickly stop. I hope he doesn't think I'm mean. He looks me over again, and stops at my bleeding arm. As he reaches towards me, I flinch back almost falling out of the tree. Then he looks at me again, starting at my arms. When he reaches my legs, his body freezes in shock, and unmoving.

Under his gaze, I shift around and almost fall out of the tree again. Wow, I really shouldn't be climbing with my back all scraped up. Oh no, I almost forget about my knees. They are full of deep wounds from the glass that bit into my skin, and most importantly, they are exposed for him to see.

No wonder he's staring like he's seen a ghost. When I first saw it, I wanted to puke. It was all puffy, and bruised around the cuts.

"What the f*ck happened to you?" He commands me to tell him. I lower my had in shame. He reminds me so much of Kota and Victor. How much I wish to see them right now.

As if sensing my discomfort, he lowers his voice and says, "Hey, my names Nathan. I live just a couple houses down. Can you climb down the tree so you don't fall out of it? I can help you..." Nodding my head quickly, I motion him to move so I can make my way down too. When he sees me approaching the bottom, he quickly moves out of the way so I can touch the ground. He moves into a stance that tells me that he'll be ready to chase me if I run away from him. Well, there goes my plan. I doubt that I will be able to run faster then his jogging, even at full sprint anyway.

"Well, what happened to you?"


So I can't seem to figure out what to do with Sang. Should she go with Nathan and play around, but lie about what happened to her, or should she run away as fast as her legs can carry her and talk to Nathan the next time they run into each other? Can you comment ideas please? Btw, sorry for not updating a long one.

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